10 year of training

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He then walked over to the house. He put his hand on the corner of the house. Then in a runing position, He take a breath then run around the house every time he laped he count 1,2,3,4,5 an a bit pass 102,103. He then stops and looks around then at himself, "I see now what she meant I don't get tired, so I can run forever." he said to himself.

He then thought to himself "ok the war is in 20 years which means I have untill then to get stronger, so today begins the training." After that he ran once again around the house, but he had timed himself. Then he started to run for 3 whole days, he only stopps when he was thirsty or hungry.

After the 3 days, he ran again around the house and timed it, he saw he was fast by few sec. He then went hunting as he was out of meat, he bought back a few grey wolf looking monsters. He then deskinned it and cut the meat into nice pieces and put some of the on the drying rack.

He then put the skin in sun to dry out. Then he spends the next month run non-stop, only stopping 1 hour every 24 hours. Then it was on to strength training after a few hours of scavenging and making. He made makeshift weights for his arm and legs made for spare metal and rope it was heavy enough to train with. With the weights, he then did biceps curls and other type of weigh lifting with the weights, for while untill it was lighter. He then thought about it then put gravity magic on the weight to make it heavy.

One month has passed he now much stronger. When the weights got lighter he add more gravity to make the heavier. He then spends the next 2 months running, doing push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups and etc. Every moment he was not hunting or eating he was training hard. After that he is strong enough that he can go to the next stage of training. He then makes bracelets with gravity magic to make them each weigh a ton. It so heavy that he can't move easyliy, he slowly was able to move, but took days for him to be able to walk freely. Then for the next few months, his training gets insane.

He does push up with  rock weighting alot on his back, pull-ups with a row tied to his feet with a rock weighing alot, he the runs with the same rock tied to him to make it hard to run the path is all mess up. When he thing get lighter he use gravity magic to make it heavier. He does that till it has been 1 year since he got the he ability. On that day Ethan saw a bright light come down from the sky.

It's Hariela when she touches the ground she turns her holy light off. She says to Ethan "hi long time no see, I see you been working hard you look good, (His muscles are not huge he look average. Average being muscular but not too muscular that it make it hard for him to move.) I have a thing I need you to do for me." Ethan "sure just name it." She then holds her hand up, holding up 3 fingers " there is 3 thing I need you to do for me, before that, I need to tell you that your the only one I ever blessed though I'm not that old. Ethan think that weird. Now you know that. here's what you need to do first, prove how strong you are in any way you want, but I recommend defeating the dungeon in the town Viwes that the best way I would think. 2nd I want you to go to the blessing tournament and show off your power to all and then tell them your my blessed, I bet you're asking why I want you to do this?" Ethan, all serious says "I don't care one bit why, you're my goddess I would die for you." she looks happy and replies "that good to hear but please don't go killing yourself, because my 3rd request won't be granted. once the fighting over I want you to." (she walk close and whispers in his ear ) he blushes and steps back the says "what are you saying there no way i can do that it wrong?" she giggled and smile well asking " it normal for the strong to do that. I you dont mind can I come in for a while you can ask me questions?" Ethan stutters "s..s..sure .. but I need to tide up."

He runs off to clean the house and then open the door "come in." She walks inside and sits on the chair and tells him to sit as well then asks, "I see you are faster than most people much faster?" Ethan answer all chuffed "well for the past 400 days I being training I don't need to sleep anymore, I also can train for days this ability rocks." Hariela looks surprised "that good to hear means proving your self won't be hard." Ethan asks "goddess if I may ask, you say I need to prove myself to others, I know I said I don't care, but I just curious?" she smiles and answers happily, "It's mainly just selfishness, in the realm of the god I'm treated like a outcast, 1 year ago I slip away and blessed you, that reminds me I will only be able to see you one day a year that I'm able to slip away, so save your questions. Anyways back to what I was saying, so I want you as my blessed to prove yourself which in turn will show them my power, and hopefully prove to them I'm not a outcast."

Ethan cries "that so sad, don't worry I will work hard." Hariela look at him and smiles. Ethan ask "the holy light why do you use it?" She replies "well it because god use it to show that they arrive. It make it easier to prove you a god." The two talk for a while. She stands up slowly saying "well it time I leave bye. I have other plans for tonight see you next year." Ethan stands up and says "goodbye." she walks outside before she leaves she says, "Ethan make sure to bath every now and again the smell of you swear is, how can i say this... Overwhelming." She then disappoints up into the sky.

Ethan now baths once a month. Now motivated He up the gravity and start running. Then he starts doing pushes up. Then he said to himself "this is all good but I'm not getting much done, I live near the dark forest with monsters in it." He walks into the forest and starts to fight the monster, after fighting the monster making sure not to kill them as he does not wants their meat or to waste food. He is a hunter born and raise he more of a bully if you can call him that.

He does that for days on end return home to look after his wounds and eat. His training goes on for 8 years. Heriela visits once a year and they talk. They play a card game Ethan made up there are cards the pic on them the objective is to find two of the same one, thought only the person that choose the card get to see it so it make it harder. After she gone Ethan always pump to workout. Ethan is so much stronger that he can destroy trees with one punch but there is one tree that has him beat. It a tree that can only be found in the dark forest and it is the world's hardest tree. It is so strong nobody can break it. It can only be broke with a magic spell and it only works a few times. Its uses to make weapons and armor and other stuff that need strong material. It a black colour, it does grow leaf or branch, it look like a black pole stick out the ground. It doesnt have much roots, expect a single long one the goes straight down, it the only part that Ethan can break off, it not super thick  Ethan can wrap his arm around most of the easyliy, there are a few he cant.

Ethan  rips a tree out of the ground then puts it in the ground in an open field and he uses it as a punching bag/training dump to get a fight style. Present day Ethan Says to himself "ok in a year I will leave here to set out to prove myself." that day Hariela comes down Ethan tells her that he wants to leave here to go to the dungeon. Hariela says "ok that great as you will be in town we will have to stop our meetings."

Ethan jumps in "wait no need it get ahead of yourself we can still meet here every year." Hariela agrees with it, then they talk, eat and play. Then she leaves and Ethan gets back to his training.

Ethan gets stuff ready for when he leaves he gets 15 dark trees, as for the roots he put them ontop and a whole bunch of monster skins. The year passes quickly and it time for him to leave before he leaves he looks at the bracelet. The bracelet has been through a lot it amazing it still on his arms his had to fix them a few times. He put the tree on the ground 5 rows of 3, he put the skins on the tree as well, now he has a stack of tree with a lot of skins on top of it. he ties them together so the dont fall off. He his ready to leave he pull the load behind him dragging on the ground. He starts moving out to the town/city of Viwes.

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