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We weren't a couple or anything like that.

At least I think we weren't...?


We were not.

I never asked her.

Honestly though, we might as well be with the amount of time we spend together. She lives in the flat directly below mine, and every time we recall the day we first met, a fit of giggles take over.

It had been a long day; the boys and I had been at the studio recording our newest song and, for some reason, much to the dismay of everyone, my vocals were off. So, what should've been a four-hour session turned into an eight-hour one, and when I got home, I was absolutely knackered.

But, I couldn't go to sleep because I promised my mum I'd answer her call when she got off work-she missed me and I hadn't had a decent conversation with her in months.

So, in order to keep my eyes from falling shut, I put on the album with the most heavy metal guitar riffs and the loudest bass I could find, and I cranked the volume up to as high as I dared. I'd lasted about fifteen minutes before I found my eyes steadily drooping as I laid on the couch, and I'd have fallen asleep right then and there if it hadn't been for the loud thumping noise coming from the floor.

And it wasn't the bass.

I quickly jumped up from my place on the sofa and turned down the volume, a female voice screaming something I couldn't quite make out, so I got down and pressed my ear to the floorboards, listening to try and make out the muffled words.

"Hey, asshole!" she bellowed. "Turn off the fucking music! People are trying to sleep!"
I laughed and yelled back.


Glancing behind me to the clock above the television, I saw that it would be a while until my mum would get off work, so I decided to mess with this mystery girl a bit.

After all, I had nothing else to do, and she said it herself, I'm an asshole. I knew who she was, I'd seen her around a couple of times.

Whether it be at the car park or in the lift, we'd known each other, and she was pretty.

So, I turned the music back up to its full volume and waited for her to get tired of hitting the ceiling with what I assumed to be her broomstick and come up. Sure enough, in a few more minutes, she was knocking at my door, and I powered off the stereo before opening it, revealing her clearly annoyed face.

"Hi," I greeted with a grin. "What brings you here?"

It took everything to control my laugh at her scrunched up expression. She was fuming, and even though I did feel bad for being a dick, I figured she'd forgive me eventually.

"Listen, jerk," she spat, pointing her finger at me. "I don't care if you blast Led Zeppelin or AC/DC, but don't do it when the whole complex is trying to sleep." Her stern look caused a childish grin to tug at my lips and I couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped from me.

"Sorry, Miss," I said, crossing my arms and leaning against the doorframe, smiling smugly.

"Won't happen again."

She opened her mouth to say something, then stopped, lowering her finger.

"Good!" she managed out before stomping away.

"See you some other time," I called after her, and she just turned around long enough for me to catch her not-so-subtle eye roll before she disappeared down the stairwell.

I smiled at the memory, now remembering the many times after that in which I found myself raising the volume to the highest level, only to have her come banging at my door a few minutes later, spewing out strings of profanities that I always that looked so funny coming out of her pretty lips.

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