Truth or Dare

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"Do not fall in love with people like me. I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people." You read aloud your favorite quote.

Everyone told you it was a great book and you finally gave in and read the book and you were not disappointed by what you had read so far. You didn't read much and the only reason you gave in and started the book was due to your complete boredom and lack of activities in your household. You had already tried watching TV, but there was nothing good on, and Niall wouldn't be home for another hour.

You looked up from your book and checked the time only to see that what felt like 30 minutes was only 3. You groaned and threw your head back which caused you to also throw your book to wherever in the living room.

You grumbled and slid off the couch and inched your way over to retrieve the stupid book. You grabbed it and put it on the island in your kitchen.

You decided that you should start making dinner seeing as Niall would be home soon and would most likely be hungry. You pulled open your fridge and loudly groaned again as you saw that all you had in your fridge was a jar of pickles, some lunch meat, and a whole lot of beer.

You thought about your options. You could either go to the grocery store and get some food and cook with Niall once he got home, or order in some food. You thought long and hard before deciding neither and pulled out a 6 pack of beer.

You brought the beer to the living room and you sat with your back on the couch and plopped the beers in between your stretched out legs. You had decide to just get drunk as fuck and see where the night took you.

You opened the first beer and began to drink the cool refreshing liquid. You happily sighed before grabbing your phone and began scrolling through Tumblr.

Forty-five minutes and 2 beers later you were on your way to being drunk as fuck. You laughed as you saw a picture of Niall on your screen and giggled to yourself and said, "Hey I know him. That boy is my boyyyyfraaand."

You laughed to yourself at what you said before continuing on your drunken rant. "Oh my goodness he is pretty. Wowie he is a pretty man. Very pretty man." You laughed to yourself again and continued scrolling through your feed.

Soon after the door opened and you heard Niall yell out, "Honey I'm home." You laughed and he followed the sound of your giggles to see you slumped against the couch, beer in hand with 2 other empty bottles scattered around the room.

"Oh my goodness my pretty boyyyyfraaand is home," you laughed and tried to get up, but failed miserably.

Niall laughed at your failed attempt before helping you up. You giggled and threw your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist to try and help stabilize you.

He smiled big and laughed and said, "Pretty man have a beer with me! Let us have some drinks and then we can order tacos," you said excitedly. He laughed at how excited you got over tacos.

"Well I will most definitely take a beer and then we can see about the tacos,' he said, 'How does that sound missy?" he said and put one of his hands against your cheek, attempting to get you to look at him.

But instead you tried to bite his hand and growled and scrunched up your face when you missed his hand. He laughed before helping you sit down then sat down next to you and opened a beer for himself.

Soon after Niall came home he was just as drunk as you. You two were a mess of giggles on the floor of the living room laughing over stupid shit. You pointed at your screen and you laughed at the picture you had just taken of Niall.

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