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(of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy.
• (of a person) having an insatiable appetite or desire for something, especially sex.

synonyms: unquenchable, unappeasable, uncontrollable, wolfish, voracious, greedy, hungry, ravenous


You readjust your cap as you head back down the dirt path, smiling at the thought of how you used to be just like the fourteen year-old girls who begged for cabin transfers.

Not that it mattered, you thought. They'd just sneak over to each other's cabins, anyway. On the path opposite yours, you hear obnoxious bellowing and laughing, knowing that it could only be the only other campmate you had still present at camp.


You had been campmates like these kids way back then, but five years later at nineteen, you're the only two who stuck around. Not that you enjoyed it. As the path converged at the end of the fork, he put his tan, muscled arm around you, slick with sweat.

"Hey, counsie," he greeted. You roll your eyes and edge away from his touch.

"Niall, we've been counselors for two years. You can stop calling me that," you remind. He laughs again, but was cut off by another of your co-counselors, coming from the lake.

"Hey, Y/N. Hey, Niall," he beams.

"Sup, Cam?" you smile, taking in his tanned physique and prominent jawline.

He was older, already a college senior, and it was his last year counseling for the camp. Walking in between him and Niall felt like you had twin towers with you.

"So, mess hall?" he offered, to which you reply with a nod, and Niall replies with some sort of grunt. Apparently, they've had a bit of tension, but you had no idea why. You shrug it off and head towards the mess hall, bringing up the separation of activities.

With the kids settled in, oriented, and fed, you let yourself head back to the counselor cabin you shared with Elise, Niall, and Cam. Unlike the campers' cabin, this one had actual separate rooms in it, so you and Elise had the comfort of changing without having Niall or Cam there, too... or so you thought.

Upon entering the room you shared with Elise, you find Niall lying on the bed, freshly showered and on his phone.

"Uh, wrong room?" you say, tucking your clipboard under your arm as you cross them.

"Uh, Cameron and Elise are talking in the other room so I got sent out?" he retorts, mimicking you. You don't even suppress the eyeroll.

"So you had to come lie on my bed in my room instead of going out?" you laugh, setting your clipboard on the nightstand.

"Not that I had much choice," he says.

"Not that the camp is three acres big?"
you muse.

"'Course I had to pick the one with you in it," he says, poking your side, causing you to flinch.

"Right, Niall, I'm gonna shower," you say, unsure what to reply.

"Room for two?" he jokes. At least, you think so.

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