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"I imagined meeting Niall a very certain way, if it ever did happen. . ." I breathe, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all, as I think back to one year ago:

I just stepped out of the large building, where I had just been hired a few weeks ago. My bag was full of unnecessary papers I could have easily left in my office, but I wanted to make sure I got enough done, so I decided to take them home.

The bag was heavy, digging into my shoulder, but I didn't mind. My first paycheck was in my hand, other hand grabbing the two sides of my coat and pulling them closer to one another to shield my body from the nipping wind.

London was always this windy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I enjoyed the rain it provided too, along with dancing in the droplets, singing as I made my way home.

Today the sky was clear, a light blue in contrast to the normally grey skies as pearly white clouds slowly drift by.

It was the perfect day to walk home, and I was glad I left my car at home to enjoy the weather.

My gaze was drawn to the black Range Rover on the other side of the road, the sleek design making me sigh out, hoping that one day I would be able to afford a car like that.

I almost drop my check and my bag when I see who steps out of the vehicle, the one and only Niall Horan.

Of course, I, as every other girl on the planet, swoons over the blonde haired lad with sparkling blue eyes.

I try to not stare as I cross the road, but somehow my eyes find his and I stop on the sidewalk, Niall pushing his sunglasses up on his head as he grants me with one of his large, dimpled smiles.

"Hi there, you alright?"

I think I might faint right there on that spot, but instead my brain takes over and I grin as I see he is speaking to me before answering.

"Oh yeah, of course. Surprised to—uh, see you, I guess." I shrug my shoulders, an awkward chuckle leaving my lips.

"You a fan?" Niall questions as he walks around his car and up to me, his head turning left and right to see if there is anyone near.

We are practically the only two out on the road, which I'm grateful for. "I am actually," I nod my head, a stupid grin still etched onto my lips as I turn my head downwards.

"You seem to be carrying a bit of stuff, do you need help? You live around here?" Niall points towards my bag and I immediately shake my head.

"It's alright. Twenty minute walk from here." I readjust the bag on my arms as I shift on my feet, the bags becoming slightly heavy.

"Need a ride?" Niall shows off his pearly white teeth, dimples popping as he shoves the sunglasses back onto his nose.

Internally, I'm screaming, but thankfully, I keep my cool on the outside.

"Oh no, I'm just taking the train and I'll be on my way, don't worry." I smile once again, patting my bag in my hands to let him be sure it is all right.

"I can't let a beautiful girl like you go on her way by herself, come on love, hop in." Niall doesn't take no for an answer as he already grabs the bag out of my hands and struts back towards his car, placing the bags in and holding the door open for me.

A slight blush covers my cheeks as I thank him after he closes the door for me, getting in and giving me a sheepish smile.

"Sadly, that is not how it went." I laugh loudly, my best friend, Y/BF/N, chuckling along as she tries to keep her cocktail in her mouth, almost snorting it out. "Then what did happen?"

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now