Drunk (pt.2)

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"Harry..." I cried, throwing myself into my best friend's arms, letting myself fall apart in his embrace completely.

"What's wrong, baby?" He said quickly, wrapping me in his arms as he lightly stroked my hair.

"N-N-Nial-l..." I wept, holding him tighter.

"What did he do?" Harry softly said, rubbing my back to attempt to calm me down.

"H-He t-t-tried to... h-he, he tried t-to hit me." I croaked, my knees almost giving out.

"Oh my god." He gasped. I cried even harder. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I'm genuinely surprised that he would do that."

"I-I-I thought h-he was different..." I breathed, trying to catch my breath.

"That's the thing," he sighed. "It's hard to know people's true colors."

"We've been together for two years and he never acted that way." I sniffled. "I don't know what happened..."

"Here, let's get you to bed." Harry smiled ever so slightly, wanting to cheer me up. I nodded, tears still streaming down my face.

I let go of him, only to reach my arms out for him again, wanting him to carry me. He chuckled, picking me up and walking down the hallway to the guest room.

"H-Harry?" I whispered as he gently put me down on the bed.

"Yes, love?"

"Can I maybe sleep in your room with you? I...I just don't want to be alone." I sniffled.

He nodded, "Up we go..."

When he placed me on his bed, reality hit me once again that Niall and I were really over.

The memories we shared, the kisses we had, and the intimidate moments, were not to be continued. All because at some point in our relationship, we went downhill and broke along the way.

Tears clouded my vision as I viciously sobbed, holding my knees to my chest.

My heart ached beyond what words could possibly explain, and every nerve in my body was shaken up.

"No, love don't cry," Harry said, running his hands through my back in a soothing action. "Straighten up baby girl, no one, not even Niall, is worth your tears."

I sniffed, blinking as I tried to catch my breath, looking over at Harry. I sighed in defeat, sniffing a few more times, and leaning my body towards Harry. He placed his hands towards my hair, running his long fingers through it.

"I love him, Harry, so much." I cried softly, not wanting to embarrass myself in front of Harry by bawling like a baby, again.

"People change, not for the best sometimes."

"Why did he change?" I breath out heavily. "I would never ever imagine seeing Niall turn into a person like that..."

Harry sighed, letting his hands fall from my hair to his sides. He looked up at the ceiling, breathing softly. "He's just a stupid boy who feels lost."

"Lost, why?" I ask defensively, looking at his features, catching a frown take over.

"Perhaps, he lost himself?"

I frowned, laying back in the bed, and saying my goodnight to Harry.

I let Harry's comment sink into my mind, causing nightmares of a certain blonde boy to disrupt my sleep.

I hope this will be less painful soon, I am not sure how much more heart ache I could handle.

-Four and a half months later-

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