Pavel Chekov - On The Chat

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A/N. I wrote this about a year ago and I know that they're out of character, but I just decided to post it.

Kirk has joined the chat

Sulu has joined the chat

Y/N has joined the chat

Chekov has joined the chat

Spock has joined the chat

Bones has joined the chat


Bones: Stop that.

Kirk: Whaaaat????????

Bones: Using the unnecessary letters.

Kirk: Nah, you sound like Spock, besides, I like using extra letters.

Bones: Seriously, i am going to hypo your ass.

Kirk: Oh no not the hyyyyyppppppoooooo.

Kirk has left the chat.

Bones has left the chat.

Spock: ...

Y/N: They'll be back

Chekov: Please no.

Spock: The Ensign is right, for once.

Chekov: Excuse me.

Spock: You are excused.

Kirk has rejoined the chat.

Bones has rejoined the chat.

Y/N: Told you.

Kirk: What?

Y/N: Nevermind.

Bones: Why are we here?

Kirk: Because I'm awesome.

Spock: I do not see how that's relevant, Captain.

Y/N: Nothing is relevant with the captain.

Bones: The captain IS irrelevant.

Chekov: ...

Kirk: Mr Chekov, was that you agreeing with them?

Chekov: No, sir.

Kirk: Chekov, are you lying?

Chekov: No, sir.

Kirk: Chekov, put on a red shirt.

Chekov: No way, I did not come all the way from Russia to put on a red shirt.

Kirk: What's your problem with being a redshirt?

Y/N: They always get injured for the dumbest reasons.

Chekov: Yeah.

Bones: I can back them up on that, always the damn redshirts filling the med bay.

Spock: The Doctor has a point, Captain.

Bones: Don't agree with me, Spock, it makes me very uncomfortable.

Spock: ....
Spock: Perhaps you should learn to govern your emotions, Doctor.

Bones left the chat.
Kirk has added Bones to the chat.

Kirk: Mr Chekov, put on a red shirt.

Chekov: No.
Chekov has left the chat

Kirk: I was joking.

Y/N: Wow, Captain.

Y/N has added Chekov to the chat.

Kirk: The real reason for this was to set Y/N up with someone.

Y/N: That wont be needed.

Spock: Why?

Y/N: I'm already dating someone.

Spock: But the only person on the ship your age is Ensign Chekov.

Kirk: Wait, you're dating him? HIM?

Chekov: I'm still here, you know?

Y/N: Jim, I'm not.

Chekov: Nope.

Scotty has joined the chat

Kirk has removed Scotty from the chat

Scotty has rejoined the chat


Kirk has banned Scotty from the chat.

Kirk: Sorry about that.

Y/N: Okay, this wasn't needed.

Spock: Yes, I agree. Goodbye.

Y/N: 🖖

Spock: I was not aware that was an emoji.

Chekov: It's a new update.

Spock has left the chat

Bones: Bye.

Kirk: See ya.

Kirk has left the chat

Bones has left the chat

Y/N: Phew that was close.

Chekov: Too close.

Y/N: Imagine if Jim found out we're actually dating.

Chekov: I'd be a red shirt for the rest of my life.

Y/N: <3.
Y/N: My quarters when you've finished?

Chekov: Absolutely.

Y/N has left the chat.
Chekov has left the chat.

Sulu: Captain's gonna freak when he hears this.

Sulu has left the chat.

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