The Beginning

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I kneeled beside my fathers bed sobbing out of sadness as well as anger. Shane had told Lori it was time to pull the plug and she had agreed. How dare she!?! I was furious but what could a 17 year old do. 

                                   <----------------------------1 WEEK LATER---------------------------->  

I was weak with sadness as I waited in the hospital for  mom, they were gonna pull the plug today. All of a sudden a nurse came running from a room "What the hell?" I gasped out of sheer horror

 The nurses face was mutilated, a eye hung from a socket and her face looked as if it were melting. I ran to my fathers door and slammed it. " I-I  gotta call mom" I stuttered as I pulled out my phone

 "Pick up, Pick u- Mom?!?!?! hello? can you hear me" I panicked "Don't come okay its a hell hole here" beside me, I heard a groan "I'll call you back mom.." I hung up without taking my eyes off dad 


 a groan responded 

"Your awake!!!" I hurled myself at the bed "I knew you would !" Ricks grunt of pain made me wince and  back away

 " Dad the dead are walking" I said "Aria- What the hell are you talking about" Dad rasped

 "Did I stutter?" I Replied Sarcastically fiddling with his gown "we gotta leave" 

 "Now?" he asked "No after were half eaten .. Yes now!" I growled.

 My phone rung and jumped then picked it up when I saw it was Mom. 

 "Mom? hello" I asked " What did you need just then Ari?" Lori asked  "Yeah, about that never mind bye"

                           -------------------------------------1 HOUR LATER------------------------------------

As I stumbled into the police station with my father I was panting. We had walked two miles since my  mustang was stolen.

 "Finally" I exclaimed "we need guns ammo and two cars" Dad stated.

 I grinned at Dad like a kid in a candy store "Two?" I asked "I get a cop car" I giggled enthused "Ari' You're 17 ya think am  not gonna let you drive?" Dad asked  "I know but I let my mustang get stolen" I heard him chuckle "You did do that" He agreed " Lets go inside then!" I groaned impatiently 

"Yow!" I Shouted as a piece of glass slipped in my foot letting loose a trail of cuss words

 Dad glared at me "Watch your mouth" He warned

 "Dad i'm 17 not 7" I Argued rolling my eyes

"Watch it they'll get stuck" he said, I rolled em' again just for good measures

"If they do s'fine I don't wanna see this screwed up world"

"I can agree there kiddo" He sighed as he unlocked the door

 I cringed at the smell and resisted the urge to hurl "Oh god" I covered my nose with my shirt 

"What is that smell" I asked  nauseated 

"That there is a dead body Ari" Dad said "Get used to it" 

I grabbed every weapon I could and loaded it into my car and went back for more. We each had a tank full of gas and I found a katana "Cool" I said to dad picking it up 

"Aria its not a toy" he said taking it

"I know!" I rolled my eyes

We drove out and headed for Atlanta

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