Chapter XIX

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I think at this point i should talk about the overly used small paragraphs. It's just how i write and its easier for me to read and transition. If you don't like it then oh well I guess. I don't plan on changing it.

The next day went by quite slow. Nothing exciting happened. For the most part, that is. (Y/n) hung out with Jonathan almost all day. They continuously migrated from the living room to his room as people came and went, and sometimes the kitchen.

As they were hanging out in Jonathan's room, a head poked in. "Ah! Hello, Dr. Crane! You are needed! Needed now before he goes insane!" Jervis said, laughing slightly then leaving the room.

"He's such an odd man.." (Y/n) kept her eyes on the door; her head tilted out of confusion. "I guess it fits for his whole 'Mad Hatter' thing he's got going on."

Jonathan smiled slightly at her response to the encounter. He had to admit, it reminded him of a puppy. "I guess you just get used to it." He grabbed his mask and walked towards the door.

"I probably won't take long, so you can stay here if you want. Or don't. I'm not gonna freak out on you about it." He'd chuckled and left the room.

(Y/n) decided to stay and think. As she laid there, she started thinking about what would happen if she didn't join them. All those weeks ago when Jonathan found her in her lab. She should've told him when she saw him, but she held back.

She was working late to figure out a new concoction. It was the fear gas. Jonathan's fear gas. James Gordon stopped by an hour earlier and gave her a sample for her to duplicate. She didn't know exactly what it was until she started staying here and helping Jonathan make it.

'I should tell him. No. That would be bad. He'd freak out. Would he? He isn't like that... He's changed.' She tried to stop her competing thoughts, but they kept on arguing. 'It's the right thing to do. Even if it is, what would happen to me? You won't know til you come clean. Either way, somebody is ought to freak out on you. Wether it be him or gingerbread. Gingerbread would put a bullet in your brain.'

"Ok. Ok. Stop arguing. Just... I need to figure this out." (Y/n) said to nobody specifically. She didn't bother to question the odd arguing in her head or why she spoke out loud to it. She just kept thinking about all the possible outcomes.

After a long thought session, she had made up her mind, she'd do it. (Y/n) was ready to tell Jonathan the truth. Just in perfect timing, he opened the door. "Sorry that took forever, they started arguing—are you alright?" He paused after seeing her looking stressed out. Or was she afraid? Oh god that would be a treat. 'Wait, she doesn't get afraid. Idiot.' He mentally slapped himself.

"Jonathan, I have something important to tell you." She finally said. Now she had no choice but to tell him. "Oh, of course. Go ahead." He sat next to her on the bed, waiting for an answer and fearing for the worse.

"Do you remember that night you came into my lab? The first night we saw each other before I came here?" She got a small nod from him. "There was nobody else around. I stayed late. Because I had something important to do... I was uh.." she tried to think of how to word it without making it seem bad. "Detective Gordon paid me a visit. He gave me a sample of something to duplicate. I had no idea what it was. Until I met you again." She took a deep breath. "It was fear gas. Your fear gas." She stopped.

Jonathan sat there in silence. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. God, I'm stupid. I'm sorry." She got up and walked towards the bedroom door, cursing herself for making the mistake. She turned the handle, but stopped after feeling pressure on her wrist. He stopped her.

"(Y/n), why are you sorry about that? You didn't know it was me, nor did you know what it was. You have no reason to be sorry." He held onto her wrist much lighter now, in a forgiving way.

(Y/n) looked into his eyes, now realizing his mask was gone. "Are you sure you aren't mad?" She had a worried tone. "I have no reason to be mad at you. Let's just make sure the others don't hear about it." He'd give her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Of course. Yea." She let out a soft laugh. "Thank you, Jonathan." She'd grab his hand. It was an unknowing grab, but meant the world to both of them. "Jonathan. I have uh... I have something else to tell you." She looked at her lap, messing with his hand.

"Alright. It's not actually going to make me mad, is it?" He'd shift a bit, getting in a more comfortable position. "Of course not."

"So...You're practically my best friend. Without you, I wouldn't even be here. I'd probably have called the police if it weren't you." (Y/n) laughed, trying to make it less awkward.

Jonathan just stared at her. Not a specific part, just her entire self, taking in all of its features. He mentally cursed himself to stop, thinking she wouldn't feel the same. Of course, he wasn't listening to her. He was too focussed on how her eyebrows scrunched together when she thought of the right words, or when she blinked continuously whenever trying to make eye contact with him, and just how her mouth moved when she spoke.

Jonathan suddenly started listening again when she shook her head. "What I'm trying to say is..." He realized she must've said quite a bit. Hoping it wasn't important, he nodded.

"Jonathan, what I'm trying to say is that I'm only still here because... because I love you. More than just a friend." She exhaled quickly, and her breathing got more unsteady as he stayed quiet. "I'm afraid I'm not used to these things." He admitted. "But would it be alright if I kissed you?" It was his turn to worry about her response. He looked up at her to see a small smile forming on her lips.

"You aren't supposed to ask, silly." She'd laughed. "I'm sorry-" He was cut off. " She made a shushing sound and leaned forward. "You need to stop worrying so much." He slowly leaned in as she did. He did a slight jump in surprise after feeling her lips on his. He noticed how right he was about how soft they looked. He noticed how slowly and patiently her lips moved. The kiss must have lasted only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity, and he would think about it for an eternity.

Until they had to catch their breaths, of course. "Jonathan, you never really answered me. When I told you I loved you." She'd slowly speak. She wasn't asking for an immediate response. Just a response, wether it be 'I need time' or 'I don't know', she was alright with any answer.

"I think I love you too..?" He mumbled his answer. He knew he did, but he didn't want to come off as desperate, even though he was.

God, he was really desperate for her.

SORRY I LITERALLY HAVE BEEN HOLDING OFF FOREVER ON THIS AND I FINALLY DID IT. I'll stop with caps. I'm not good at these scenes as you can see. Its not my specialty. However, I have a few ideas for the next chapters, but in another part I will give you guys some choices. Also tell me if i need to fix anything here

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