Chapter V

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    Just a little note. The events that happen here are different from the actual show.
(Y/n) woke up to tapping on her shoulder. She jumped up to see Jerome poking her cheek. "Oh, goody, you're awake." Jerome said. "Can you get out of my face?" She asked as she blinked a few times to get used to the light. He backed up. "What do you want?" She asked as she stood up and walked over to the desk. "Rude.. Anyways, where are the containers of fear gas?" He asked. "Do I look like I would know? Jonathan took them somewhere." She shrugged. "Alrighty.." he raised an eyebrow as he walked out backwards, still staring at her. "What??" (Y/n) asked, slightly annoyed. "Nothing. I'm just messing with ya." Jerome said as he turned back around with a chuckle. She rolled her eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. It was only 2:00 pm. She sighed. It was quite boring in the lab room. (Y/n) took off her lane coat and left the room to look around the place.

   As she explored, she heard talking in the dining room. She walked over by the doorway and peeked in. "Well look who decided to come out of her room." Jerome said with a laugh. She rolled her eyes and looked at everybody. "What are you guys talking about?" She asked as she walked into the room. "Why does it matter to you if I may ask?" Oswald asked. "Well I'm going to have to know if I'm going to be part of this 'team'" she said. "Does that mean you have accepted to join?" Jonathan asked with a slightly happy tone. (Y/n) nodded as Jerome explained the plan.

   After Jerome finished explaining the plan to everybody, they all stood up. "Woah woah woah." Jerome said as he stopped (y/n). "What? You said I could go." She said with a confused face. "Yea but not wearing that." He said. (Y/n) looked at her outfit. A black skirt that went just above her knees and a dark blue and black sweater. "What am I supposed to wear?" She asked. Jerome called Oswald over. "I guess I am in charge of giving her an outfit?" He asked. "Because you live here, idiot" Jerome said as he walked away.

    Once (y/n) was dressed (outfit at top), she walked out of the room. "How is this any better??" She asked. "Because it's better than that 'scientist' outfit you had on earlier" Oswald said with a sarcastic smile. She rolled her eyes and got into the van. She was in the very back with Jervis and Jonathan while Oswald and Jerome were in the front. She leaned her head against the wall. "How long is this going to take, Trashface?" She asked, looking at Jerome. "Bag-head, can you get your 'BFF' to shut up?" Jerome asked. For once he actually sounded annoyed. Jonathan groaned and looked at the ceiling. "I'm sorry. Last time I checked I wasn't your servant. So don't think you're in charge of me." (Y/n) said as she flicked his head. "Ow! For the last time, Bag-head, get her to stop. I'm trying to not get into a wreck. Even though that would be fun.." Jerome let out a laugh after the last part.

   After they got to their location, the four got out of the van. (Y/n) and Jerome started arguing over something random. The other three ignored them. "Well I have to go make some calls and take care of some stuff." Oswald said as he left. "As usual" Jerome said. "Probably because people actually like him?" (y/n) said. "You really wanna go there?" Jerome said. "Sure" she said back as they both grabbed a knife. Jervis and Jonathan ran over to them and held them back. "Let me stab him!" (Y/n) said as he tried to release herself. "You can kill him when we are done doing all of this" Jonathan said. Jerome started laughing "Haha! Sucks to be you!" Jerome said. (Y/n) glared as she put the knife away. The two let the other two go. "We should go before the G.C.P.D gets here." Jervis said. "Let them come." Jerome said.

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