Y/n Hale is the sister of Derek Hale, the twin sister of Cora Hale and the second niece of Peter Hale. After the fire, she still lived with her brother, who helped her out with being a beta. While going to school, she met Scott McCall and Stiles Sti...
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"Another werewolf."
THE SUN WAS up, shining down on the civilians of the small town, Beacon Hills. In the hallways of the high school in the town, the two werewolves and the human found themselves heading towards the locker room, lacrosse bags over their shoulders. Of course, no one asked why Y/n went into the boys locker room as she was part of the team. Days had passed since Lydia Martin had been found by the police.
While the trio ventured into the locker room, Scott had been trying to convince Stiles that he was fine and didn't need to be locked up since there was a full moon later in the night. But Stiles wasn't convinced, claiming he didn't want Scott to kill him.
Y/n only listened since she had control of her werewolf self during a full moon. As they stopped in front of Stiles locker, the girl asked if he had something better than handcuffs, to which Stiles opens his locker, chains suddenly starting to fall down and onto the floor. Everyone's attention went to them as Coach Finstock slowly walked over.
Coach shrugs a bit. "Part of me wants to ask. The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So... I'm gonna walk away."
"Wise choice, Coach." Stiles replies.
While everyone's attention snaps away from the three, they kneel down, beginning to pick up the chains when Y/n's head snaps upwards, her eyes glowing the usual gold color, Scott soon doing the same. Sensing them stopping, Stiles slowly looks up, noticing their glowing eyes before they went back to normal.
"You guys okay?" Stiles asks.
"There's another. In here, right now." Scott informs.
"Another what?" Stiles questions.
"Another werewolf." Y/n reveals.
* * *
When the team was ready, the trio were venturing onto the lacrosse field, trying to figure out who the third werewolf could be. When Stiles had suggested for Scott or Y/n to go one on one with the werewolf, they both agreed as Stiles had rushed off. He soon came back with gear that was meant for the goalie. Both werewolves agreed Scott would play goalie.
As the players all got into line, Y/n was right in front of Stiles as they watched Scott continuously leave the goal, tackling the players that ran forward right to the ground before he'd sniff them in hopes of them being the werewolf, but they weren't. Coach continued to yell at the brunette before he was marching to Stiles and Y/n, grabbing ahold of their helmets.