Y/n Hale is the sister of Derek Hale, the twin sister of Cora Hale and the second niece of Peter Hale. After the fire, she still lived with her brother, who helped her out with being a beta. While going to school, she met Scott McCall and Stiles Sti...
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"Most of the time, I'm trying not to think about all the things I can smell."
IT WAS DARK outside in the small town that now held two werewolves roaming around during the full moon, the full moon they hadn't seen in months and now had no control of themselves. In the woods, one single girl could be seen outside of a tent as she called out to the girl she was with, who had ran off in fear of all the bugs around.
Hearing a growl behind her, her eyes widened a bit upon seeing a figure just a bit away from her, the figure that happened to be Cora. A roar escaped him just as two loud thumps made the human girl spin around to see Isaac and Y/n slowly look up from their crouched positions. Like usual, Isaac held his signature smirk while Y/n had a clenched jaw.
After leaving the bank, Scott and Derek had went to find Boyd while Y/n and Isaac went to find Cora after Scott revealed the truth to Allison about her mother and when Derek had came back with a lifeless Erica Reyes in his arms. Cora's glowing gaze snapped to the couple, another loud growl escaping her before Y/n was rushing towards her twin sister, a growl leaving past her lips.
Isaac was right behind her and just as Cora went to slash her claws at her sister, Y/n was able to punch the girl down even if she didn't wanna hurt her.
Jumping up to her feet, the human girl watched as Cora threw Isaac against the top of the tree, sending him down to the ground before doing the same with Y/n just as Scott jumped over the couple, kicking Cora down to the ground in mid-air.
As they got to their feet, the couple joined Scott just when Derek showed up, a deep growl leaving him before Cora ran off with her siblings and Isaac right behind her.
Unfortunately, they had somehow been able to lose Cora before Scott had stopped once Stiles called him and from behind, the three werewolves listened to the conversation about how Lydia had found a dead body at the public pool, which wasn't anywhere near the woods where Boyd and Cora were at.
Derek shakes his head. "This doesn't make any sense. The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there. How are they moving so fast? They can't be that fast on foot."
"Derek, they killed someone." Scott firmly states. "Some totally innocent kid is dead. And it's our fault. We need help."
"We have Isaac now." Y/n tells him.
"I mean real help." Scott corrects, causing an offended look to etch on Isaac's face. "They're too fast for us, for all of us. They're too strong, too rapid."