Y/n Hale is the sister of Derek Hale, the twin sister of Cora Hale and the second niece of Peter Hale. After the fire, she still lived with her brother, who helped her out with being a beta. While going to school, she met Scott McCall and Stiles Sti...
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"He's my family and I trust him."
THE HALLS WERE crowded with students of Beacon Hills High School as the sound of the bell ringing filled the air. The sun was up and shining through the windows of the chemistry classroom as three werewolves could be seen walking inside. Y/n walked in front of Erica and Isaac, hands in the pockets of her leather jacket.
After testing Jackson to see if he was the Kanima and when it didn't work, they were able to get him to speak to Sheriff Stilinski so Isaac could come back to school. Their next target was the strawberry blonde, Lydia Martin. Throughout the school day, people had been staring at the three, more specifically Isaac as they recalled what happened to his father.
Walking further into the classroom, the e/c eyed werewolf suddenly stops in her tracks at the sight of Scott and Stiles coming into the other door of the chemistry classroom. Noticing her gaze on them, Erica and Isaac follow where her eyes were, seeing the two teenagers already staring at the other three teens.
Simultaneously, the five all glance at Lydia who was sitting by herself, not noticing them. Next thing they knew, they were rushing towards the strawberry blonde, but Scott and Stiles were quicker as they sat on either side of Lydia while Y/n and Isaac placed themselves behind them and Erica somewhere else.
Y/n caught sight of Allison soon walking into the room, glancing at them before she looked away. Just then, the teacher's voice rings through the air as he explained they were gonna go into partners. Erica had been soon put with Scott, Allison with Lydia, Isaac with someone else and Y/n with Stiles.
Unlike what she figured Erica would be doing with Scott, Y/n only focused on the experiment. She didn't care about getting Lydia as she silently thought it wouldn't be the strawberry blonde. Stiles seemed to be tense as he occasionally glanced at the girl he thought of as his friend.
"What are you doing on there side, Y/n?" Stiles whispers. "Why the sudden change?"
"You guys really thought you were more special than my own brother?" Y/n fires back, continuing to do the experiment. "Derek may be the Alpha and doing something you and Scott don't like, but he's family. He's my family and I trust him."
Just as she goes to reach for something, the human grabs her wrist in hopes of getting her to listen. In all honesty, Stiles had felt like she was becoming one of his best friends, he just wouldn't admit it. At the sight of him clutching her wrist, she looks at him, her eyes subconsciously glowing gold.
Noticing Stiles looking over her shoulder, the Hale girl follows, seeing Isaac glaring right at the boy before she felt the weight be released off her wrist, her eyes going back to normal. Another switch soon happened and the girl found herself with a student as Isaac was with Lydia and Erica was with Allison. Eventually, the sound of the bell that the teacher had rang through, making everyone stop as the experiment should be done by now.
Y/n, Isaac, Erica, Stiles, Scott and Allison all stared at Lydia as she took the crystal the class should've made and took a bite out of it before Scott, Stiles or Allison could stop her from doing so. However, Erica, Isaac and Y/n share a glance, along with the other three teenagers when she doesn't get a reaction from the crystal she just bit out of.
* * *
Walking through a hallway in the school that happened to be empty at the moment, the trio of werewolves found themselves heading off to find Lydia. Like before, Y/n was walking in front of Isaac and Erica, hands in her pockets as she held a blank expression.
With a smirk, Isaac brings out his claws, letting them glide against the lockers, creating a long mark while Erica smirked at his actions. Y/n only rolled her eyes, glancing at him when he brought himself beside her, looking down at her with that usual smirk he had on his face.
The werewolf only looked at him with a raised brow before looking away, shaking her head. Just then, Isaac grabs ahold of her arm as he stopped in his tracks, making her stop while Erica did the same, the two girls looking at him in confusion.
Looking to the library door they were about to pass, he lets go of Y/n's arm and opens it, letting the girls go in first before he followed. Catching sight of a boy sitting with Danny, Isaac stomps over and grabs his collar, lifting him up to his feet.
"Where is she?" Isaac growls.
In response, the boy who Y/n recognized as Matt, looked over at Danny with a confused expression. When Isaac corrected and said Lydia, he told them he saw her with Stiles. Just then, Y/n's head snaps to the side, walking off with Isaac and Erica following behind her, Isaac letting go of Matt afterwards.
The girl was walking outside just in time to see Stiles jeep speeding down the road and out of the parking lot. The three werewolves share a glance before they were meeting up with Derek and Boyd who had been waiting outside so they could kill Lydia Martin. After telling him what happened, the five werewolves found themselves heading in the direction to the McCall residence, knowing that the group would've taken Lydia there.
Occasionally, as the hours went by, Y/n caught sight of the face of Stiles and Allison peaking through the windows as they moved the curtains to see the werewolves. Every time, she nudge her brother so he would notice as well. Minutes and minutes pass until Derek was looking at Isaac and Y/n, giving them a small nod.
The two teenage werewolves share a glance before they were sneaking to the back of the McCall house. They were able to get inside quietly before they found themselves silently stomping towards Stiles and Allison who had their backs to them, looking at the door.
Allison held a crossbow in her hand as she aimed it at the window, looking like she was gonna shoot. However, before she could do that, Y/n was grabbing the crossbow, throwing it to the side before throwing the girl to the floor while Isaac does the same to Stiles.
Allison stared up at the Hale girl she thought of as a friend, seeing her fangs were out and her eyes were glowing gold. Hearing crashes behind her, Y/n spins around, seeing Stiles trying to fight against Isaac. Letting out a growl, she was quick to join them, not bothering with Allison as she helped Isaac.
It only lasted about two minutes before a familiar face stepped in front of Stiles. Scott let out a growl as his gold eyes glared at the other two werewolves. At first, he had a bit of trouble before the front door opened up and them and Erica, who had sneaked into the house, were thrown outside in front of Derek and Boyd.
"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott." Derek speaks up. "You're not an Omega, you're already an Alpha of your own pack. But you know you can't beat me."
"I can hold you off until the cops get here." Scott tells him just as sirens were heard in the distance.
Just then, a loud hissing sound could be heard, catching their attention. The teenagers on the porch walked down and looked upwards while Derek grabbed his sister, pulling her up to her feet just as their eyes widen. There, on the roof, was the Kanima. The creature looked at the people, letting out a loud and echoing hiss before it crawled away. However, what they didn't expect next, was for Lydia to stomp out of the front door, glancing between all of them.