Y/n Hale is the sister of Derek Hale, the twin sister of Cora Hale and the second niece of Peter Hale. After the fire, she still lived with her brother, who helped her out with being a beta. While going to school, she met Scott McCall and Stiles Sti...
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"All three of us will stop thinking about it."
THE SUN WAS hiding behind the clouds as vehicles could be seen driving along the many concrete roads that had been created years and years ago. The rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance within the dark clouds, showing that some type of storm was to come to the people driving around as the flash of lightning could occasionally be seen whenever the thunder happened.
On the road, a school bus could be seen with many students inside, the students being the Beacon Hills cross country team as they were headed to a meet. In the front, Coach Finstock could be seen occasionally blowing his whistle as he yelled at the students if they were doing something he didn't like.
Just a bit near the front in some seats, Y/n found herself leaning her head on the window beside her as she sat in a seat by herself in front of two boys. Isaac sat beside Boyd as he leaned forward, his elbow resting on top of Y/n's seat, his fingers playing with her hair as the three werewolves sat in silence, their minds all on the thing that happened not too long ago.
Isaac peaks over a bit, seeing the dazed look on his girlfriend's face before looking at Boyd, seeing he had a similar expression as they were both thinking the same thing.
"Stop thinking about it, man." Isaac instructs with a sigh, his hands still playing with Y/n's hair.
Boyd raises a brow. "What, you're not thinking about it, too?"
"All three of us will stop thinking about it." Isaac states.
"I can't." Boyd admits.
"There's nothing you can do about it either." Y/n speaks up as she slightly looks over her shoulder at them.
"You sure about that?" Boyd asks.
However, the girl only shakes her head with a shrug, showing she didn't no how to answer as she leans her head against the back of her seat, feeling one of Isaac's hand on the side of her neck, his fingers brushing against her skin.
As the drive continued, the sound of coach's voice could be heard every few minutes as he continued to yell at the students like he always did, also raising his voice at a student who always seemed to be car sick any ride he went on.
Isaac continued to play with Y/n's hair, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her head before resting his head next to hers on the back of her seat. It wasn't long till the sound of honks filled their ears as the bus came to a stop, many cars in front and behind them as the traffic on the road they were currently on seemed to be very busy and it'd take even longer for them to get to their meet.