Y/n Hale is the sister of Derek Hale, the twin sister of Cora Hale and the second niece of Peter Hale. After the fire, she still lived with her brother, who helped her out with being a beta. While going to school, she met Scott McCall and Stiles Sti...
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"You. You're my other anchor."
THE SUN WAS up in Beacon Hills and on the civilians as it shined through the windows of all the buildings that could be seen throughout the small town full of supernatural that most humans didn't even know about. The warehouse a group of werewolves were staying in was messy and large as usual as the only color that could be seen was brown. About a day had passed since they had tried finding Jackson in the club as the Kanima and tried to find the person controlling him as well, but they had been unsuccessful.
At the moment, Y/n found herself standing side by side with Isaac, arms crossed as them and the other two werewolves watched as her brother opened up a chest with things they'll need for the full moon that was coming tonight. Inside the chest on the top part of the object, Isaac noticed a certain symbol designed into the chest and curiously, he leaned down and let his index finger trail around the spiral as Derek looked down in the chest.
"What is that?" Isaac asks.
"It's a triskele." Boyd points out, causing their heads to snap to him. "Spirals mean different things, past, present, future. Mother, father, child."
Derek raises a brow. "You know what it means to me?"
Boyd shrugs. "Alpha, Beta, Omega?"
"That's right. It's a spiral. Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become Alphas, but Alphas can also fall to Betas or even Omegas." Derek explains.
"Like Scott?" Isaac questions.
"Scott's with us." Y/n replies before her brother could.
"Really? Then where is he now?" Isaac asks in a curious, yet mocking tone.
Derek rolls his eyes. "He's looking for Jackson. Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight either. None of us will. There's a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal. But tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find."
"Good thing I had my period last week, then." Erica speaks up with a slight smirk, making Y/n scrunch up her face.
Derek holds up the thing that would keep her chained up for the night. "Well, this one's for you."
* * *
A few hours had gone by and the group of werewolves still found themselves in the warehouse like always while the Hale siblings trusted Scott to try and get Jackson, even though he's gonna lose control like they were going to. The night sky was now up in the town, the dark clouds blending in with the sky as they slightly covered the bright silver full moon laying in the night sky.