September 20th, 3:49 A.M.

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sorry 4 long wait

got sick again


here's smut


Namjoon was pleasantly surprised when they arrived back at Yoongi's house alive, considering how dangerous their ride home was.

What with Namjoon's hand down the detective's pants the whole time and Yoongi making out with the stripper at every red light, that is.

Yoongi slammed the car to a halt in the driveway and barely finished switching off the ignition before Namjoon was grabbing his jaw, yanking him in for another kiss.

Yoongi deepened it, both his hands gripping Namjoon's cheeks, tilting his head back so he could force his tongue in deeper in the boys mouth. Their seatbelts strained to keep them apart, digging into their chests painfully.

Namjoon moaned, toes curling as the detective stole his breath away. They broke apart to breathe, both panting heavily in the arousal drenched air of the Impala.

"Are we even going to make it inside?" Namjoon asked, already slipping off his shirt.

"Backseat." Was all Yoongi said, climbing out of the car.

Namjoon giggled in excitement, hurrying to follow him.

He had never had car sex before, but he had always wanted to try it. And there was something sexy about doing it in the detective's badass ride that made it even hotter.

When Namjoon slid into the backseat, he saw Yoongi sliding off his belt and that was unexplainably sexy to the stripper.

"You can touch as well as look, slut." Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him when he caught the boy staring, a smirk on his lips.

"Oh, tonight and forever more, I'll definitely be your slut, sir." Namjoon crawled over the leather seats and Yoongi met him halfway, kissing under the moonlight that shone in through the windows.

Yoongi gently laid the boy on his back on the leather seats and although Namjoon knew they would warm up sooner than later, he still whined at the coldness of the leather.

"Shh, baby, it's okay." Yoongi whispered, kissing the boy. "I'll take care of you."

Namjoon's heart fluttered at the detective's words and tone, much preferring to be called baby than whore.

"I know, tsundere." Namjoon looped his arms around Yoongi's neck. "Lube?"

He was expecting Yoongi to run inside and get some, so he was surprised when Yoongi instead reached into the glove compartment, pulling out a few small packets.

Namjoon stared as the detective ripped one open, squeezing the lube onto his fingers. "You carry lube around in your precious ride?"

"Not mine." Yoongi warmed it up between his fingers. "Arrested a teen a few weeks ago and a bunch of these spilled out of his pockets. Been meaning to throw them away but never got around to it."

Namjoon wasn't going to make a comment about the detective's laziness, not when he was grateful for it.

"He had taste, I like the strawberry flavor."

He quickly shrugged off his pants and boxers, settling back against the seats to blink up at Yoongi.

The detective cocked his head, not moving or saying anything and Namjoon let a few moments pass before speaking.

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