A Density-Defying Discovery

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Serena's POV

After saying goodbye to the others, Ash, Pikachu, Professor Kukui, and Serena all arrived at the Professor's house. The sun had set entirely now, marking the beginning of Serena's first night in Alola.

"Huh? I can't seem to find my keys..." a confused Professor Kukui said, turning his pockets inside-out.

"Give me a moment; I must have left them in the car," he added.

"Tell us if you need any help looking!" Serena called.

"Hurry, it's c-cold!" Ash said, still feeling the effects of the watery mishap at the restaurant.

He felt an arm quietly wrap around him and place a red vest on his back.

Ash looked up, confused. "Serena?"

The girl turned her head in another direction, trying to avoid eye contact. "Wear this Ash, it should keep you warm for now," she said softly.

It was then that Serena really noticed how Ash had changed physically in their time apart. He seemed to have grown a little, both in stature and physique. He was a now bit taller than her, with noticeably broader shoulders and a more developed frame.

Pikachu seemed to notice this moment of intimacy between Serena and its trainer, and jumped off Ash's shoulder to give them some space.

"Pikachu? Where are you going? Oh and thanks Serena," Ash grabbed her hand causing her to blush slightly, "But I don't need it. We won't be outside for long so here, have it back! Besides, it looks better on you than it does on me anyway."

Serena's face matched the color of her vest at the compliment. "I- uh!- Thank you Ash! That's very sweet of you," she said, turning away embarrassedly.

"I found my keys!" a proud Professor Kukui said in the distance.

"Pika!" Pikachu confirmed.


"All right everyone, come on out!" Serena tossed three Pokéballs into the air and in a flash of light Sylveon, Pancham, and Braixen appeared. The Pokémon looked confused in their new surroundings.

"Tonight, we'll be staying with Ash at Professor Kukui's house! Make sure you all behave!" Serena said excitedly.

"Veon!" the pink feline bounced around excitedly until spotting Pikachu. She extended a feeler to meet its paw.

"Pika? Pika!" the yellow mouse replied, startled, before the two dashed towards the couch.

"Looks like they'll be getting along just fine," Professor Kukui said with a chuckle. "I've got some work to take care of so I'll be in my office. Don't cause too much of a ruckus now you two," he said jokingly, eyeing Ash.

"We'll make sure we won't!" Ash replied enthusiastically.

As the rest of Serena's Pokémon settled in, she walked over to join Sylveon, Ash, and Pikachu on the couch.

"Ash, what are you watching?" she asked curiously.

"It's Alain defending his title at the Kalos league. His Charizard still looks really strong..." Ash said glumly.

"Ash..." Serena said, remembering his loss against that same Charizard in the Kalos league finals back then.

She could tell he was deep in thought when she nervously asked, "Are you still disappointed over losing your match against Alain in the Kalos League finals?"

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