A Halarming Encounter

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Ash's POV

Ash and the others rushed outside to see a small fissure lining the otherwise smooth pavement as smoke escaped from the crack. Thankfully, this was but a dent compared to the substantial crater left by Team Rocket. A small group of thugs donning black uniforms and masks outlined in white stood before the hole, proudly leaning on polished obsidian colored motorcycles.

"Team R- Huh?" Serena asked, noticing the lack of a shared "R" symbol amongst the gang.

"We're Team Skull!" one of the ruffians declared, pointing to the skull-themed beanie on his head, "You better not get us mixed up with those Team Rocket fools or you'll regret it!"

"Team Skull! What do you want?" Ash shouted as he glared at the three perpetrators.

"Hah, isn't it obvious? We're here to battle and steal your Pokémon!" the pink-haired thug replied arrogantly.

"That's Team Skull," Mallow clarified to Serena, "They're bad people who also steal other people's Pokémon. They attacked us the first day Ash arrived but we had Kiawe to help us fight them off," she whispered apprehensively, taking a step back and reaching for her Pokéball.

"Look, over there!" Lillie cried, "It looks like someone's hurt!"

A stocky elderly man with white hair and a yellow cloak was slumped against a wall as he attempted to get up.

"We have to help him!" Serena screamed, running in his direction.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going missy?" the leader of the group taunted, blocking her way.

"Serena, go help him, we'll hold them off," Ash said confidently, easing the desperation in Serena's eyes before turning to face his opponent. "Your battle's with me!"

"We'll take the other two!" Mallow declared as she reached into her back pocket and produced a red and white sphere, "Bounsweet, go!"

"Bounsweet!" the Pokémon replied upon touching the ground.

"Popplio come on out!" Lana shouted, releasing her water-type Pokémon.

"Snowy you're up!" Lillie said, letting her Vulpix down to enter the battlefield.

"Nice, that's three more pretty Pokémon for us to nab," the grunt taunted before releasing a trio of Zubat, Salazzle, and Ariados. The other two members followed suit.

"That's nine against three! That's not fair!" Mallow whined.

"Not fair? Don't make me laugh," a grunt sneered, "Get them!"

The Pokémon launched a barrage of attacks as the girls braced themselves.

"Greninja, I choose you!" Ash yelled, throwing the Pokéball of his trusted friend high in the air, "Use Water Shuriken to defend Snowy and the others!"

"Gren, Ninja!" the frog Pokémon cried as it assembled its aquatic weaponry and released it to completely negate the moves.

"Wow... up close it's so powerful!" Lana marveled.

"Thanks for the help Greninja! Bounsweet, use Seed Bomb now!" Mallow ordered.

"Snowy go for Powder Snow!" Lillie shouted.

The moves collided with the opposing Pokémon, dealing significant damage.

"Ugh! We outnumber them three to one! Come on! Zubat, use Sludge Bomb!" the leader of the group ordered.

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