Baked Goods

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[Image does not belong to me]

*Y/N's POV*

I woke up to the smell of bacon and waffles wafting through the air. I turn to my side to look at my alarm clock, seeing it was 10 A.M. 'Just in time for brunch!' I smiled to myself, crawling out of bed and slipping my feet into my slippers. You didn't have ballet practice or school on Sundays and your parents didn't work, so you and your parents made Sunday brunch day.

I stepped out of my room and into the hallway, the smell of coffee making itself present along with the aroma of freshly cooked waffles and bacon. Your father was at the stove cooking the bacon while your mother was setting the table. "Good morning!" I smiled at them, getting a just enthusiastic good morning back.

I helped my mother finish setting up the table then went to my father, taking a tray of bacon from his hands and placing it on the center of the table. I repeated doing that but with the different food items; waffles, fruit, hashbrowns, eggs, ect.

Me and my parents happily chatted over brunch, talking about how our weeks went. My father had just opened up another restaurant on the other side of town and it was thriving, he's a chef/business man. My mother had just made a deal with another magazine company, she's a model.

"When are you going to be able to try out for the lead for your next production, sweetheart?" My mother calls to me. "Next week," I answer. "They better give you the lead, you work harder than anyone else there!" My father exclaimed, shoving a piece of bacon into his mouth. "We'll see," Was all I could say.

"How are you and Aiden?" Mother changed the subject. "We're good! Nothing exciting to report!" I smiled and chuckled. "That's disappointing." Father bluntly stated. "(F/N)!" Mother yelled in a scolding tone. I couldn't help but to laugh at their interaction.

"Who's the basket for, by the way?" Father questioned, nodding to the basket filled with baked goods on the counter. "Oh! They're for my friends!" I smiled at the memory of last night.

You didn't realize this but you had this look of pure content on your face, along with a blush.

"What friends?!" Father.
"So, who's the boy?!" Mother.

"Huh?" I could barely understand my parents simultaneous questions. "Since when did you have friends?" Father teased, getting a slap to the shoulder from mother and a glare from me. "Who's the boy?!" Mother repeated her question from earlier. "What bo-" I was cut off as she started to ramble. "I'm honestly so glad that you found someone else! No offense, but that Aiden boy was really generic and boring! Plus, not to mention that I always get a bad feeling from-" "Mom!" It was my turn to cut her off. "There is no other boy."

She suddenly gained a look of mischief, "Suuuuure there isn't! But I know very well what that look on your face meant! I have the same one whenever I think about your father!" She smiled, blowing a kiss to said male. I rolled my eyes at their display of affection and took my empty plate to the sink. "I'm gonna do my homework." "Have fun!" Both of my parents yelled after me.

*Time Skip*

It was almost six in the evening and you had finished your homework, taken a shower, got dressed, and wrote a thank you note to the turtles to go with the goodie basket. Today you were wearing a dark red, long sleeve shirt, black leggings, black flats, and a thin, white choker.

Suddenly, my phone went off. I looked at the screen and saw that April was waiting for me outside. I quickly grabbed a white hoodie, my phone, and the goodie basket (along with the thank you note). I said goodbye to my parents and made my way outside to be greeted by my best friend. "You ready?" She smiled. I smiled and gave her a firm nod. We then made our way to the turtles lair.

*Raphs POV*

I was minding my own business, punching our hanging dummy, when Donnie suddenly yelled out with excitement, "Guys! The girls are on their way!" Mikey cheered while Leo suddenly seem to be in a panic and started to quickly tidy up the place. I rolled my eyes at them. 'There's nothing exciting about them coming over.' I thought to myself. But then a tiny voice in the back of my mind spoke, 'Then why is your heart racing?' 'That's because I'm working out!' I responded angrily in my mind, punching harder.

The girls eventually show up, April holding four pizza boxes while Y/N was holding one, a basket filled with something sitting on top of it. "Awe yeah! Pizza!" Mikey shouted, running excitedly to take the pizza boxes from April. Leo came up to Y/N and asked if he could take anything from her hands. She handed him the pizza box while still holding onto the basket, smiling at him and thanking him.

Raph growled under his breath, continuing to punch the dummy. 'You wish that was you, don't you?' That tiny voice spoke again. 'No!' I punched as hard as could then did a round house kick as hard as I could, sending the dummy flying. "Raph! Be careful!" Leo scolded me. I just rolled my eyes at him, heading to the kitchen to get some grub.

Everyone in the lair, except Splinter, was in the kitchen now. But before anyone could dish up, April spoke, "Y/N bought each of you your favorite pizza, so you guys can have a whole one to yourselves. This fith one is ours."

"Really? No way!"
"This is amazing! Thank you!"

My brothers gushed, each taking their assigned pizzas. "U-Um, also," Y/N started, her cheeks slightly reddening, "I made you all this goodie basket, as a thank you for saving us yesterday. It has multiple different types of cookies and muffins. I hope that's alright and I hope you like it." She ended with a small smile, her gaze going to the floor.

"Awesome! Thanks dudette!" Mikey smiled before snatching the basket from her hands and running off, Donnie chasing after him. "Thank you for the basket, we appreciate it more than you could know." Leo said, placing his hand on her shoulder and giving her a smile. He himself then ran after Mikey, yelling at him.

Y/N then turned her gaze to me. She gave a small smile and had hopeful eyes. I felt awkward under her gaze, so I grabbed my pizza and muttered out a: "Thanks," Before turning and leaving the kitchen, heading to my room. As I was leaving, I could have sworn I heard her say 'baby steps' under her breath.

*Time Skip*

I came out to the kitchen to throw away my empty pizza box. I look over to the living room to see all of my brothers passed out. Leo and Donnie took the girls home an hour earlier, so I knew it was safe to come out. 'Wait... 'safe to come out'!? Why wouldn't it be safe to come out!?' I question myself, and that tiny voice responded. 'Because of her. Your heart races because of her. Its not fear, it's lo-' 'ENOUGH!'

I groan as I feel a headache coming on. Right before I left the kitchen, something caught my eye. Y/N's basket. 'No one should eat anything from there, it could be poisoned.' I thought to myself. Then I see a note on the front. Curious, I opened it and started reading.

Thank you all so much for saving me and April even though you didn't know me. There isn't enough words or actions that can show my appreciation and thankfulness to you four. I just hope one day I can repay you all. Either it being money, food, gifts, favors, or even being a friend. Speaking of friends, I consider you guys my friends now whether you like it or not haha! It's not just because you saved me and April, it's because you guys trust me. And I can tell that you're real and not fake, like a lot of people. I can tell that you're good. I know I already said this, but I promise that I'll take your secret to my grave. I'll prove to you all that you didn't make a wrong choice with me.

Thank you again,

After reading her note, I set it back where I found it and took a cookie, heading back to my room.

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