Chapter 22: He signed the note🤦‍♀️

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"Someone snuck into my office this afternoon." Nezu says with a grim expression on his face. "And they left a note." He watches as all the teachers mirror the exact same expressions of slight horror on their faces, all of them except for one teacher who keeps a straight face.

Refusing to meet the principals gaze Aizawa turns away slightly pretending to be preoccupied with something else.

"What did the note say." Mic asks, looking a little panicked.

"The note is informing me of a villian attack during tomorrow's USJ trip."

"A villian attack? That's impossible. No villian should be able to get through the barrier and even if they did it would alert the whole school. No one would be stupid enough to risk that." Another teacher argues.

The principal crosses his arms as he reads from the note. "Well the note goes into a lot of detail. Apparently they call themselves the League of Villians. They've got a guy with a warpgate quirk and for some reason they've said that he's most likely not human."

"Isn't that enough proof that this is probably fake."

"Be patient this is just the beginning. They've also said that they have a monster with multiple quirks which they plan to use to kill All Might." All Might pales.

"This note just keeps getting stupider by the second!" The teachers start to shout, not able to hear them all talking over each other Nezu holds up his hand.

Vlad King being the only one to ignore the principal takes the silence as a chance to say his opinion. "How is it possible to have a multiple quirked monster. This is probably some prank."

Shota grits his teeth trying his best not to snap at the teachers. With the way things are going the teachers were most likely to ignore the warnings of the note and if that were to happen, Aizawa hates to think of what Deku would do to him. When it came to Bakugo and his safety he didn't joke around.

"Yes this may be some prank but it also may be real information so let me finish explaining."

"There's still more?"

"Yes. They're plan is to hire small time villians and to warp the kids away to separate them and make it easier to attack them. So far all this information might be unbelievable but at the end it clearly says the person behind all this is named Tomura Shigiraki. He's most likely in his 20's and his quirk is decay. Anything he touches with all five of his fingers will disintegrate." Nezu stops, looking up to observe the teachers reactions.

"Is that everything?" Nezu nods.

"If the culprit really has a decay quirk then it's highly likely that he is the one who broke into UA yesterday. No one other than us teachers should know that so it increases the probability of the events in this note happening." Nezu turns to Aizawa, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You haven't said much Aizawa. What is your opinion on this situation?"

"I believe that we shouldn't take any chances."

"That's unusual. That isn't something you'd normally say. You'd usually pick the most logical solution. "

Aizawa curses the rat in his mind, obviously the principal knew what he was doing, it wouldn't be a secret to say that Nezu obviously suspected him. "The last part of the note increases the probability right, and this is the children's safety we're putting on the line so we shouldn't take any chances."

"Do you not have any security footage of who left the note?" Midnight asks.

"I do but they're face is hidden the whole time. Has there been anyone suspicious walking around lately?" Nezu looks at the teachers waiting for an answer but most of the teachers shake their head.

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