Chapter 36

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"No wearing your hero costumes in public unless instructed too. If you loose them, then may God help you find a shit ton of money lying on the pavement on your way back to school. Mind your manners, you're representing the school, if any hero's talk bad about you or you cause them trouble expect detentions for a week when you're back. If something bad happens I gave you an emergency number if it's not an emergency don't call it. I'd rather not hear any of your voices when it's not necessary. If you all understand then go on to wherever you need to go." Once Aizawa is done talking the class doesn't even hesitate before they're making their way to their respective platforms and bidding their fairwells.

Grunting in reply to the extras that say goodbye to him Katsuki waits for them all to be out of sight, making sure the dumbasses are all going to their correct platforms before he even makes an attempt to move (he out of all people should know that they are complete idiots so this was very much necessary.) Once they're all gone Katsuki looks to see Shinso who's looking dejected just lingering around Aizawa. With plenty of time until his train arrives he goes over to the freak to ask what's wrong - not because he cares mind you, he couldn't give a single fuck when it came to others problems. That's what he tells himself anyway yet he's now playing therapist listening to Brain fuckers concerns about glasses.

See when it came to glasses he really did not care in the slightest about what he does but everyone else cared, they all cared a little too much. Katsuki did feel bad for glasses and the whole stain incident, he could tell the class prez was going through things but that was not his business or concern. People might see him as the bad guy for thinking that but a person can't help what they feel, and right now he felt nothing. Even if he felt something he knew it would be better to feel nothing because only someone who felt nothing could speak some sense into his idiotic, righteous head - not that Katsuki was going to do that. Like he said he felt nothing and he told the brain freak just as much. Glasses' actions are his own and the class should let him get over whatever he's going through on his own.

Shinso did not look satisfied with this answer but like has been said, Katsuki couldn't give a single fuck. Maybe he would have cared a lot more if anyone could have predicted what was to come in the near future. Please note that this moment will come to haunt Katsuki for quite a while when he realises he had the power to change what will end up happening but instead didn't give a fuck.

Aizawa waiting to the side looking displeased (the only reason he had even waited for their conversation to end in the first place being 1) Shinso was his son, and 2) despite how much he denys it he also has a soft spot for Katsuki) sends a glare Katsuki's way basically telling him to fuck off and get on his train.

Katsuki somehow understanding the message waves brain fucker goodbye and with a grunt and his hero costume in hand makes his way to the platform leading straight to Tokyo.


Izuku hums as he looks out the train window, on his way to Hosu. He had hoped that either Toshi or Kacchan would have accepted his suggestion to find a placement in Hosu - he placed his hope more in Toshi than Kacchan, he knew his boyfriend would just do what he wants, and going to Hosu isn't something that he would want. Anyway since that plan had failed he had decided to just go himself, he was still worried about Iida even though he knew it wasn't his business but he couldn't help it. Protecting people is what he does and he didn't want one of his boyfriend's classmates/ Toshi's friend to get himself in trouble.

He was planning on just shadowing him for the week, maybe investigating into any child trafficking near by. The cases have decreased but the situations are only getting worse, everything about that day haunted him but that isn't the focus of today's chapter. If you have yet to guess the focus is Iida, pristine, righteous Iida. Surprisingly scary and murderous Iida as well, that killing intent was no joke (and I would love to follow that up with so forgive me for making a joke about it but in reality there was no joke so it wouldn't work)

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