===Alternate ending 1===

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This is all so...different.

What is this feeling? I've never felt it before.. I'm not happy, not sad, definitely not angry..I'm calm, yeah that's the word. It's different this time though, I'm not laying next to him, I'm not sitting with my friends, I'm not drunk, I'm not smoking. I'm just.. free. Free from the chains that pulled me down, it was for a good cause though..right? I saved him.. I saved them all...right?

1 week earlier

I was walking down the path with Tommy, it was a normal day. We were having fun, nothing was going wrong, until it all did...

"Hey did you hear that?" I looked at him slightly confused. "What do ya mean? I didn't hear anythi-" Before I could finish there was someone behind me, covering my mouth. There was another person, they seemed to be grabbing Tommy.

Then it all went black.

I woke up in a room, I'd been here before though...but it was different...there was blood, and what looked to be me and Tommy's things in the corner. I frantically looked around. "He's alive, dont worry." I stared at the person who spoke, It was Dream. "What did you do to him!?"
He simply rolled his eyes and set a bowl of oatmeal in front of me. I glared at him and nudged the bowl away with my foot. He sighed and picked up a spoonful of the pasty breakfast "food" and shoved the spoon in my mouth. "You need to eat, I need you to last long enough to see Tommy." I chewed the flavorless paste and swallowed it. "What do you me-" He shoved another spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth and made an annoyed 'Tsk' noise. I chewed and swallowed, and continued to glare at him. "So why am I here?" He grinned at me before he spoke. "To get rid of our one problem." I responded with a confused look. "Wilbur, our problem is Wilbur. He's caused so much destruction." My eyes widened. "What are you gonna do with him!?" I was shaking at this point. "Easy! Kill him!" He laughed as I stared at him in disbelief. He continued to ramble about his plan. I started to feel dizzy and tired. He sighed. "I suppose the drugs are already kicking in." My body collapsed underneath me. "Wh- what drugs.."


"Y/n! Wake up!" I woke up to Tommy shaking me aggressively. "Huh? Tommy!" I sat up and hugged him. "What happened? Where were you?" He shivered. "He kept me out in the shed for a day while he got you settled in." I nodded. "Are you ok!?" He nodded and smiled reassuringly. "Yeah N/n I'm fine." I let out a breath I hadn't even realised I'd been holding in. "That's good, yeah great." I let go of him and pulled him to sit next to me on the mattress on the floor. We spent the next few days speaking about random stuff, and would eat the poorly made food Dream gave us.

Day 7

I woke up to the sound of a sword being sharpened, I had noticed Tommy was up, and was shaking rapidly. "Tommy?" He looked at me and mouthed. "Run." I looked confused, but then I heard Dream walking up to us. Without thinking I got up and mouthed "Goodbye.." To Tommy and ran. But I Hadn't gotten very far, just about halfway up the stairs before I felt it. A sharp pain going through my back.

"Y/N! NO!"

I guess this is the end, isn't it? Maybe I should've just told Wilbur how I felt when I had the chance.

Before the fall( Wilbur Soot x reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now