Hidden Chapter

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I walked up to the house and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" A familiar voice said from inside, I smiled and went in.

"Hey, ready to get dressed Y/N?" Niki asked "Mhm!" I nervously replied. Wilbur had asked me to prom. It was probably just as friends but God I was nervous, I had no idea how much I liked him until tonight.

Niki had me get into my (dress/suit/outfit) and helped me with my hair. (If you dont have hair, or just dont want to deal with that skip this paragraph) Niki giggled as she watched me make weird faces at her while she fixed my hair. "Hold still!" She said in between laughs.

After we got ready we hung out in her room for a bit.

"So Y/N, are you excited?" She asked me in her classic soft but funny voice.

"Well um-" I got nervous and just stuttered through my sentence.

"Awww Y/N it's ok to be nervous, everything is gonna be fine!"

I nodded and sighed in relief, Niki was always good at calming me down.
She smiled at set her hand on my shoulder. "Besides, I'm pretty sure he likes you too!" She said and winked at me. "Mhm suuuuurrree and I'm the president of L'manburg!" I said while rolling my eyes.

Knock knock knock

Niki got up and went to the door. "Hey Will! Y/N's gonna be here in a sec!" I took a deep breathe and walked out to meet Wilbur.
I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck. "Yo-"

"...you look like a sexy dinosaur Y/N."


We left to go to the dance.

"Huh- isnt the school that way?" I asked confused as to why he was driving the wrong way.

"Just a detour, that's all."

When we got there I was amazed. He had taken me to the bridge we met at, it had fairy lights hanging on the rails, there was floating lanterns, and a small picnicking set up.

"Surprise!" Wilbur said, I could hear the excitement in his voice. I smiled and hugged him. "This is amazing dude!" He smiled and hugged me back. "Well let's eat a bit?" I nodded and walked over to the blanket and sat down. "Strawberry or gra-" "strawberry I hate grape you ass pick." He laughed at my comment and got me a strawberry jam filled croissant. I smiled and thanked him. "Champagne my dear?" He asked me in a horrible French accent. "Oui oui mi amour!" I replied in a horrible French accent aswell. "Dude that was German-" "I thought it was Chinese-" we both started laughing or asses off, we eventually got up and started to dance.

"Yuhh get it Sir. Lanky!" I laughed as Wilbur did a dumb dance. We eventually ended up slow dancing after about 30 minutes of messing around. "Hey, Y/N?" Wilbur asked.

"Yeah what's up?" "Close your eyes." "Huh? Ok-" I said, closing my eyes.

Before I even had a chance to process what happened he backed up and winked at me. "Wha- wait What was that for-" my face went red, I hoped that since it was dark out he wouldn't notice the blush.

"A kiss du-" before he could finish I pulled him into a kiss and smiled.

"There now we're even!"

We continued to play around, not even bothering to go to the school, and the night ended with a final kiss, though we never spoke of this night again, its probably my best memory of Will you see, soon after he went insane...

And now...he doesn't even remember he loved me...

Before the fall( Wilbur Soot x reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now