===Chapter ten===

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Everyone was waiting for the final votes.

Shlatt won.

My eyes widen as Wilbur had announced the final votes. Wilbur got off stage and Shlatt took his place.

A\N: y'all know Shlatts speech already, and besides I'm too lazy to write it all out, so time skip to when he exiles Tommy and Wilbur.

"The first thing I'll do as President is to revoke Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot, and Y\N L\N places in L'Manburge. "
Niki screamed no, all of your friends scream. And the next thing you know is that you had a arrow in your stomach.

You wake up in a cave like house. You notice you are wearing the same clothes you were from the election, except your shirt was torn and you have a bandage wrapping around your stomach. You get up, instantly getting dizzy, you hear a voice and start to panic. You try to find somewhere to hide, but there was nowhere except a "hallway" so you went through it. You find yourself in a ravine, it was surprisingly decorated and beautiful. You then hear Tommy yell "Y\N!" And he then ran up to you.
" Huh? Oh hi Tommy. " You say calmly, still dizzy. "WILBUR GET YOUR BITCH ASS IN HERE!!!!!" Tommy screamed.
Wilbur walked into the ravine and as soon as he was you he smiled. "Y\N! You're finally awake!" He said happily .
"Huh? How long was I asleep??" You ask.
"About two weeks." Tommy said.
" Oh. " was all you said before you collapsed from dizziness.

" The wound got infected, we just need to clean it more and hopefully get some medicine for it. "
"I see, okay then."

"I heard there was a special place, where men could go and emanceipate. The brutality and the tyranny of their ruler..."

" don't touch that. " "Why-" "....it came from god."

I woke up, to Wilbur and Techno laughing. I sat up and looked at them. "Well, you woke up again!" Wilbur said.
" I told you that they would eventually wake up again. " Technoblade said.
"Wilby where are we?"
" did you just fucking call me wilby -"
"Yeah, now answer my question bitch."
He laughed at you. "We're in Pogtopia!"
" fucking what-" you said. Wilbur just giggled at you.
"Pogtopia, it's our new nation!"
" I see. "
Wilbur showed me around Pogtopia and Tommy just kept talking about everything that happened while I was asleep.

You and Wilbur decided to go on a walk, you found a cliff, and you both sit at the edge of it.
"Hey wilbur?"
"Yes Y\N?"
" Do you remember how we met? " You question. His eyes softened.
"Yeah, do you not remember?"
" I remember bits and pieces, just not everything.... " You say feeling like you let him down.
"Would you like me to tell you?" He asked, he looked away from you.
" Yeah! "

"Well this place is real you needn't fret! With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret."

A\N: sorry this chapter is kinda weird but I hope you liked it!

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