6. I'll see you

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It'd just gone 10am which means Logan should have started her meeting by now. Luckily for me, I had plans to crash said meeting. Well, it was more like asked very nicely to sit in.

Just in case Kylie wants to share anything I don't like.

I gently knocked on the door, smiling before I let myself in.

My eyes immediately locked with Logans and I had to hold in a smile, I decided to sit right in between her and Kylie.

Am I aware of how awkward I made Kylie feel? Yes

Do I care? Not particularly.

Logan seemed to get some enjoyment out of it because it looked like she was trying her hardest to stifle a laugh.

"Hello, Ms Gray." I politely greeted.

"Hello, Miss Lois." She smiled in return.

I get along incredibly well with Logan's mum, despite the whole year of Logan absolutely hating me.

"So Miss Lois asked to join us in our meeting today."

I noticed Kylie roll her eyes beside me, hardly surprising since she wants to act like a child all the time. Although, what really got me was the dirty look Logan shot her, causing Kylie to shuffle in her seat uncomfortably. 

The smug smile was just the cherry on top. 

If only her mum hadn't been watching the two of us like a hawk, I might have been able to enjoy it more.

She had this all-knowing smile she would give me every now and then like she could see directly into my brain. 

I hope to god she never sees the way I look at her daughter.

"Miss Lois seems to be the only one Gray will listen to so we've decided to let her take charge."

What? Who made that observation? I mean, they're not wrong...

"Well that's good, at least you lot will have a chance now," Logan said.

I couldn't help but smile, trying my best to conceal it by looking at the floor.

Eventually, it ended after what felt like an eternity of listing to a bunch of gibberish pouring out of Kylie's mouth. To which I contradicted every point of course.

Logan's mum decided to pull me aside for a quick chat. Usually I wouldn't mind, but after what's been going on in my head the past few weeks I really couldn't think of anything worse.

"So, only one she listens to hey? You must be pretty special." She smiled.

"Ms Gray I can assure you, I will make sure she succeeds in this school whether she chooses to or not." I made sure to put on my professional voice for this conversation.

"Don't be silly call me Elena." She said, almost ignoring everything I had just said.

"She really is a great student, don't get me wrong, sometimes I just want to sit her down and make her read all the Harry Potter books until she realises she needs to get her act together." 

Okay, so I may have lost all professionalism...

"Yeah, she is a handful isn't she." She replied, furrowing her brows.

"In all honesty, I think she's one of the most amazing students I have ever had the pleasure of teaching." 

Oh god, now I'm gushing over her daughter...

"You really think so?" Elena smiled.

"With my whole heart."

I didn't say that out loud, did I?

"Oh well, that's very sweet of you."

Apparently so...

"I'm starting to see why Logan likes you so much," Elena said, turning to look at her daughter. 

Logan was clearly pretending like she wasn't watching us talk the whole time. Does she know there's such thing as peripheral vision?

"I'm glad she does, I don't know what I would've done if Logi still detested me."

"Logi? I haven't heard that one before."

I should just stop talking now.

"Well, I didn't want to just call her Gray like everyone else."

"Yeah, I don't know why everyone calls her Gray." She said, pondering the thought.

"Plus, it was the only way I'd let her call me Peggy."

I may as well empty my pockets now and give her my house keys because I'm giving up every other piece of information anyway.

"Peggy huh? Might have to bring you over for dinner soon." Elena joked and I nearly coughed up a lung.

I laughed it off casually, trying not to think about everything I've just said.

"Right well, I'd better let you go, you must be busy." I said, giving her my most polite smile ever.

"Alright, I'll see you later Pelessaria." She replied with a grin before joining Logan who was waiting by the door.

"Oh hello mum, didn't see you coming there." I heard Logan say.

 Remind me to tell her not to become an actress.

"She's a keeper that one." Elena said to her whilst nudging her in the arm.

Logan turned to look at me before responding.

"I know." She smiled, causing me to blush.

Listen, I know she can't have meant it like that but I can't help my physical reactions.

My day didn't get much better than that, just lots of teaching and planning. The usual stuff.

Finally, it had turned to lunch, which meant I should probably expect a visit. 

As if right on queue, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey." Logan said, closing the door behind her. 

"Hey." I replied.

"So, what were you and my mum talking about earlier?" She inquired, hopping onto my desk.

"You." I replied, taking a bite out of my sandwich to stop myself from saying too much again.

"What about me?" She questioned, fiddling with stuff on my desk.

Is she nervous to have this conversation?

I smirked, "I can't tell you."

"What! why?" She exclaimed.

"I'm not allowed." She said shrugging her shoulders, knowing full well how annoying I'm being.

"What? says who?" 

"Says my job." I replied, reality slowly sinking in.

"That's not fair." She sulked.

"Yeah well, neither is our situation," I muttered under my breath, sighing. "Oh shoot, I've got another meeting in 5 minutes." 

I quickly jumped out of my chair and put my blazer on, "You can hang out in here if you want."


"I'll see you later Logi," I said hurriedly.

Without thinking I quickly gave her a hug then practically ran out the door.

I did not just do that...

Oh god, I did just do that...

I have got to stop doing that...

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