9. Art Club

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I have decided to start a new club for people who just want a nice place to relax and have a bit of fun during lunch. I'm not sure how Logan is going to react to my suggestion of her coming along but I presume it'll go something like, 'Are you having a laugh?'

I had just gotten off the phone and I could see Logan lurking about in the corridor.

"Logi?" I called out.

She peeked her little head in the window smiling before coming in, leaving the door slightly open.

She's too cute.

"Hi, so I'm starting an art club, it'll be on Thursday's at lunch if you want to come," I said hopefully.

"You want me, to sit down in an art club... surrounded by kids? That's a bit gay isn't it?"

Just as I expected.

"And you're not?" I laughed.

"Touché." She replied.

"Come on, I'll be there so you can talk to me." 

"Last time you said that you left me to get ambushed by strangers." She stated.

I stared at her sarcastically, "What was I supposed to do?"

"Literally anything. I don't enjoy socialising."

"Are you sure about that? You seem to spend a lot of time socialising with me." I chuckled.

"It's different with you."

What's that supposed to mean?

I raised an eyebrow at her, hoping she'd add to her statement but she just kept silent.

"Fine, I'll go. On one condition." She finally responded.

I sighed, waiting for some outrageous favour.

"You make it worth my while." She smirked. 

I thought about all the things I'd like to do but then realised I couldn't.

"And how do you suppose I do that?" I said, having run out of sensible ideas.

"It's no fun if I tell you." She winked, causing me to laugh.

"You are something else," I replied grinning.

"You have to create some art you know. You can't just be sitting there doing nothing." I said sternly.

"Well, shit,"

"Watch it you," I warned.

"Oh, sorry Pelessaria, my bad." 

God, she really knew how to get under my skin, didn't she...

I tried my best not to smile.

"Fine, I'll do whatever you want." She shrugged.

"I very much doubt that." I sighed.

Logan smirked, pushing the door closed behind her, "Let me prove you wrong."

I couldn't stop the heat rising to my cheeks.

"You need to be careful," I said.

She walked over to me, leaning on the arm of my chair, her face so close to mine.

"And why's that?" She whispered.

Oh god, what is happening.

"Because it makes things difficult," I replied, trying to keep myself together.

"Difficult to what?" She said only inches away from my face.

"Stop it." I tried to say, the words barely audible.

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