15. Glue

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After our little, encounter, Logan went off to eat lunch before my lesson.

I had planned a fun lesson today, looking forward to seeing what the class does.

Eventually, the class was lined up outside my classroom. Logan wasn't at the front for once, I wonder why?

As everyone started going inside I realise why she wasn't at the front. It's because she was at the back going at a snail's pace.

She was trying to check me out as she walked towards me, "Afternoon Miss." She winked.

I couldn't help but laugh.

I almost jogged into the centre of the room today.

"So, fun day today, you're making posters!"

There was a quiet 'woo yeah' from the back of the class. At least one person is enthusiastic.

It wasn't even Logan, you'd think she'd support me and all.

I went to get some supplies out of the cupboard, shutting the door behind me out of habit.

I used to just come in here when I needed to calm down.

Usually, I ended up getting flustered from Logan and I'd have to run in there.

I put her with her friends because I'm nice and all plus then I can annoy her even more.

"Logan, come here," I called out.

she groaned as she got up.

"We need glue out the cupboard and I don't wanna get up." I pouted.

"Oh, you poor thing would you like me to get it for you?" She very kindly and not sarcastically whatsoever suggested. 

"Oh that would be great, thank you so much for offering," I replied.

It didn't take long for her to find a problem.

"I can't find the glue." She called out

"It's right in front of you," I replied. 

"I don't see it."

Guess I'll have to get up after all then won't I.

 I entered the cupboard, closing the door behind me.

"Logan... Where did you hide it." I confronted. 

"Me? Hide it? Never." She said. 

"I don't want to have to punish you Logi," I whispered, slowly moving closer to her. 

She pushed over one of my boxes saying, "Oops."

"Oh, you're in big trouble now," I smirked, making sure to speak quietly.

She slowly looked me up and down, "Am I really? How terrible."

I moved my body closer to her, pinning her against the shelf. I lightly traced her jaw with my finger, gently pushing her chin and turning her head to the side before moving my face towards her ear.

"Found it," I whispered, gently biting her earlobe causing her to moan into my neck.

I wish I wasn't teaching right now because that moan makes me want to get on my knees for her.

Before I could do anything that would get us into trouble I walked out of the cupboard, leaving Logan to compose herself.

The moment she walked out a massive smug grin appeared on my face. She looked so pissed off and I love it.

She wouldn't even look at me for the rest of the lesson, it was only as she was leaving that she finally turned her attention to me and shot me a glare. 

I think she's trying to intimidate me but it really isn't going to work, I'm too in love with her to be scared of her.

Wait, what? Did I seriously just think that?

I'm not in love with her...

Am I?

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Come in," I called out.

I looked up to see Lauren strolling into my classroom. 

Fuck sake not now.

"You know why I'm here."

"Lauren do we have to do this now?" I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"Don't worry, I'll drop you back to your car after." She smiled the most sickly smile.

I know she isn't gonna leave until she gets what she wants.

"It's either you or her." She shrugged.

"Don't you fucking touch her," I growled, balling my fists.

"Guess that means I'll be touching you." She said, running her hand up my arm.

I had to stop myself from gagging at her touch.

"Fine let's just go," I said, abruptly standing up and walking out the room. 

I left my stuff there because I know I'll be coming back for it in an hour. 

I never let her near me and luckily she seems to be okay with that so this shouldn't take long.

I wish I was with Logan right now... I wish it was her I was going home with.

Even if I could I still wouldn't, I can't bring myself to do that to her when she doesn't know what I'm doing with Lauren.

I just want her to be happy.

I'm lying to her every day, she doesn't know about Lauren and she definitely doesn't know what I've been thinking about doing since the last day of year 10.

I don't want to hold her back.

Maybe I should just do it...

Maybe she'd be better off without me in her life...

I hate that I fell for her but I would never change a thing about it.

I sighed as we reached Laurens car.

"This will have to be quick I have somewhere to be." I hissed.

"Whatever you say Pelessaria."

The way she says my name makes me want to throw up.

She's vile.

When is this shit gonna end...

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