10. I Want You

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I am not looking forward to the next six weeks. Mainly because it means Logan won't be there to annoy me all the time and I think I'm gonna miss it quite a bit.

I was currently on the hunt for her but I haven't had much luck so far.

I've asked her friends and they also had no idea where she was. I told them to tell her to meet me in my office.

And now we wait.

I left the door open a tad and soon enough, Logan makes an appearance.

"I heard you were looking for me." She sighed. 

"Logi! Yes, I was. I need your assistance." I totally don't just want an excuse to have you here.

"Oh no, what do you need me to do?" 

She's gonna love this, "Sit down."

"Right, what is it?" She asked cautiously.

"Can you hold this please?" I said, handing her a pile of papers. 

"Uh... Peggy? You literally have a desk right in front of you." 

I rolled my eyes, "Yes I'm aware of that." I sighed, "I'm reorganising things."

"And you couldn't have put them anywhere else because?"

"Because it's more fun if you hold them," I smirked.

"Right, fair enough."

Once I had finally finished 'reorganising things' I put the rest of the pile on the coffee table.

"So Logan, what are you up to later?" I questioned.

"Fuck all." She replied

"You wanna hang out?" I asked.

"With you? Hmm, I don't know."

Wow, I see how it is.

"I'm kidding, of course I do." She smiled.

"Well too bad." I huffed. 

Logan looked at me shocked, making me laugh quite a bit.

"See, I can play that game too. Come by after school." 

"You're cruel." She pouted. 

"Aww, you haven't even seen the worst of me yet," I replied, grabbing her chin and squishing her face.

She looked so fed up with me and I love it.

"You're so annoying." She said bluntly.

"Aww thank you, you're so sweet," I responded sarcastically.

The bell rang, meaning Logan had to go to class. At least I'll get to see her later.

Both lessons went rather quickly and the final bell had rung signalling it was the end of the day. It was only a half-day so everyone was pretty excited to go home.

I have a feeling Logan changed her mind because it's been nearly 20 minutes since the bell rang.

There was a sudden knock on the door, causing me to jump and hit my knee on the desk, "Ow!"

Logan was just standing there laughing at me. 

"Thanks," I said sarcastically.

"Aww, do you want me to rub it better?"

I just glared at her and she flung her arms in the air to surrender herself.

"Okay, I'm sorry I laughed. Is your knee okay?"

"Yes, it'll be just fine thank you for your concern," I said.

Logan closed the door and hopped up onto my desk, sitting right in front of my computer screen.

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