13. Drive You Home

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Logan still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that I wanted to drive her home.

She looked at me in disbelief, "You want to take me home?" 

"Yes Logan, I do." 

For the four hundredth time.

I opened the driver side door and Logan got in the passenger side.

"Just don't judge my driving." I laughed.

"I'll try my best." She smiled.

"Thank you."

I turned the ignition in my awful little car. I probably should've said don't judge the car...

We'd stopped at a red light and I had time to think about how sexy Logan can be.

Turns out, really sexy.

"What?" She questioned.

"And you thought I was the jealous one huh?" I said, rather amused.

"So you did hear what they were saying?"


"Yeah... Thank you." I smiled.

"I hate it when people don't respect you," She growled.

I don't know what it is about that growl thing but god damn...

"I mean, I probably looked like a right idiot but I don't really care." She sighed.

"I thought you were pretty hot." I grinned as the light turned green.

"You what?"

"I like it when you get mad. Well, apart from when you're mad at me." I smirked mischievously.

Logan mad just gets me in all kinds of ways.

Apparently, we had turned down her road already. That was bloody quick, wasn't it...

"Wanna come in? There's no one home."

Yes, I really do but I don't want to sound desperate.

 "Is your dog home?" I questioned.

"Yeah, he's sitting right there in the window." She said, pointing to where Alfred was.

"Definitely yes," I said.

She laughed, "Come on then." 

We got out of the car and I followed Logan to her door.

I'm nervous, why am I nervous?

I'm just coming in for... I don't actually know why I'm coming in...

As soon as I saw Alfred I crouched down to say hello, I later learned this was a mistake.

He was jumping up at me trying to lick my face.

"Hello there Alfred, you're very excited aren't you." I laughed.

"You coming in or are you just gonna stand by the door?" I heard Logan shout.

Eventually, I managed to escape him and found Logan in the kitchen unsurprisingly.

I didn't quite know where to stand so I stood directly in front of Logan.

Listen, we're not used to big rooms.

God damn, she looks good on that counter.

"Well hello there gorgeous, fancy seeing you here," She smirked.

That's a new one.

I noticed Logan's drink and remembered the events that happened 7 weeks ago.

"Doesn't this seem a bit familiar to you?"

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