16. Territory

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Lauren and I's class are currently waiting at the train platform. We've been planning this trip for a while and today was the perfect day to go. It's the last trip for them at this school.

Well, unless they go to sixth form.

I wonder if I'll still be the head of sixth form when I come back...

We couldn't afford a coach due to budget cuts so we're getting the train.

Logan is standing with her friends at the moment, there seems to be some sort of tension between Maria and her because they keep giving each other dirty looks.

I had to turn my head away from her because Max caught me staring again...

I'm almost one hundred percent sure Max knows something about Logan and I.

Although she doesn't seem to mind much because she's been even nicer to me than she did before. I haven't even had to kick her out since the time I kicked both her and Logi out.

Not that I'm complaining.

Finally, the train arrived and I followed everyone on, making sure they were all here.

Max and Maria had already sat down but Logan was just standing around confused.

I decided to sit opposite them on my own because I can't be bothered to have a conversation right now.

I heard footsteps approaching and my heartbeat increased.

I know exactly who that is.

I lifted my head and smiled as my eyes met Logan's and gestured for her to sit next to me.

"Hiya." She grinned as she sat down.

"Hello there Logi." I smirked.

She raised her eyebrow and looked around confused.

I know someone could've heard that but I made sure to say it in a low tone. Plus I don't think anyone cares enough to listen to our conversation.

It was silent for a few minutes before I got bored and took out my phone.

Time to take a page out of Logan's book.

I typed out a message and nudged her in the side, gesturing for her to read it.

'You look great today.'

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and typed a reply, 'Not too shabby yourself Miss.'

I hate it when she calls me that... It turns me on and it really shouldn't.

I pushed my hormones away and typed something in response, 'Wow thanks.'

She grinned at me while I stared at her sarcastically before typing something else on her phone.

'So why are we talking like this?'

I shrugged my shoulders, pretending like I didn't know.

I can't try and flirt with her out loud.

She quickly typed something else and showed me her screen.

'You could always give me your number ;)'

Oh god, she added a bloody winky face...

I sighed as I wrote my reply, 'You know I can't.'

I looked away briefly, trying not to let my emotions show.

She showed me her screen with another message on it.

'Pretty sure you can't snog me either but you do that anyway.'

My face went bright red. She's got me there...

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