Chapter 5

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The day before Rose was due to Hogwarts Rose decided she might as well tell the Dursleys that she was going to Hogwarts and not an all girls school.

"Petunia, Vernon. I'm not going to an all girls school." She spoke up while the boy's were asleep.
"It has boy's in?" Vernon asked.
"Well yes. But it's a place called Hogwarts." She told them.

She wasn't yelled at but was instantly locked in her bedroom in the attic.
She whistled out the window before writing a letter.

With Severus

Severus was working when Rose's owl made movement that it wanted to have a bit of a fly. Severus opened the window and let it leave. Waiting over 10 minutes till it returned, handing him a letter.

Dear Proffesor Snape,

It's me, Rose. Anyways, I told the Dursleys that I wasn't going to an all girls school but instead Hogwarts. They were pretty mad about the whole thing. They locked me in my room and said something about me never going to the school. I may need some assistance to get to school.


Snape sighed and looked at the owl, he quickly grabbed a bit of parchment and told the owl to take it back to the young girl.

He then made sure to tell Dumbledore that she was being forced into issues already and she hadn't even started Hogwarts.

With Rose.

Rose was still waiting for Snape to send her a letter telling her what to do so when her owl came back, handing her a note and leaving, she knew it was from Snape.
She quickly opened the note.

In the morning around 7 in the morning, I will be apparating into your bedroom. Have your items ready to go and be ready and dressed.

She smiled and got herself ready for the next day before going to sleep.

When Rose did wake up, she got dressed into a skirt and an oversized shirt. Some thigh high socks, and trainers. When Snape arrived, he took her bags and then a hold of her shoulders. Then apparating to a train.

"Of you go inside, quickly. Everyone will be here soon." He said. leaving. She just went inside and got into an appartment.

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