Chapter 23

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After helping out with Severus's class, she headed to the feast. Of course she knew she'd have the first year's being scared of her slightly, but she didn't care.
She got to her seat beside Fred, leaning her head against his arm. Harry walked in, sitting opposite of her to the right.

"Hey Harry, how was Transfiguration?" She asked.
"It was fun. Proffesor McGonagall was a bit mad we were late though." Harry told her.
"That happens." She smiled at him.
"Wait... Rose, you were like really harsh in Potions, how are you nice now?" Hermione asked.
"That's Rose for you. She's kind normally but when you are messing up something she loves, well what happened in Potions is what will happen." Harry spoke.
"Oh, that make's sense. But we lost over 50 points during that. Don't you want to win?" Hermione asked.
"I do what's fair." She told her.
"Oh, okay." Hermione nodded. Rose keeping her head on Fred's arm, although he didn't seem to mind.

For the rest of the evening, she hung around with the Weasley twins. They had DADA which she was not aloud in. She sat near the classroom, listening as Quirrel spoke. That was interupted by Harry and Minerva running down and to the classroom. She looked at Harry confused. She began speaking when Minerva went to grab someone.
"What'd you do bud?" She asked.
"I uh... I'll let Proffesor tell you." He looked down.
"Harry, meet Oliver Wood. Oliver, I have found you a new Chaser." She told him. They spoke a bit before Oliver went back to class and Minerva smirked, realising that she could tell Rose what was going on so she didn't have to yell.

"Miss Potter. Neville Longbottom fell off his broom and had to be taken to the Infirmary. He was told by a Proffesor to stay on the ground or they would be expelled. Mr Potter did not listen and instead of staying on the ground, got up into the sky." Minerva said.
She looked at Harry. "Proffesor, If you don't mind, can you leave me with my brother." She smiled.
"Don't kill him." Minerva nodded and left.

"Harry James Potter." She spoke, so quietly it was creepy.
"I swear I only did it to make sure Neville had the rememberal still." Harry tried to explain.
"I don't care! Draco wouldn't destory it you idiot! You could have been killed! You could have been Expelled! Are you stupid? I try everything to make sure your safe! I try everything to ensure you dont get kicked out of a school we're respected in! Are you wanting to loose all of that?" She yelled at him. The whole of Quirrel's class, listening.
"I-I'm sorry Rose." Harry tried to say.
"Sorry? Is that all you say? We've lost our parents and all you can do is put yourself in more danger than needed!" She yelled at him. Only then did Harry see tears in her eyes. "Get to your next lesson. I don't want to hear another word from the Proffesors about you being stupid." She told him, walking straight off.

She was later found passed out in a spare bedroom.

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