Chapter 19

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He turned to her. "Right then, this is my Chambers. You're room is just there." He pointed to a door with a small heart on it.
"You embedded my mark onto the door?" She asked.
"Of course, that mark means you protected someone from the killing curse, and yet you lived." He spoke. She nodded. About to go into the room. "Remember it's cold down here. Make sure to have all of your blankets on you as you sleep. I don't want you getting a cold." He told her. She just nodded, walking into the room and changing into a pair of her PJ's. They were a pair of long pants and a cropped top.

Her bed was adorable, it was a large bed with around 4 different blankets on it. She smiled at that and got into the bed, putting the blankets on her one at a time. She then laid down and nearly instantly fell asleep.

When Rose woke it was to Annie the house elf's voice. She opened her eyes and smiled at the young elf.
"What's wrong Annie?" Rose asked.
"Master Snape has called for you, but tells Mistress Potter to take her time." The house elf told her.
"Thank you Annie, mind telling Sev that I'll be right there?" She asked. Annie nodded and disapeered.
She got up and with a small spell checked the time. Since she noticed it was around 7pm, she stayed in her PJ's and went out.

"Yes Sev?" She asked

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"Yes Sev?" She asked.
"We're going up to the Great Hall to have Supper with the other Proffesors." He said, motioning her to get her shoes on. She was quick to put them on before following Snape through the castle to get Great Hall. For some reason all the Proffesors were on the Hufflepuff table near the end of it, near each other so they could speak. Rose was forced to sit beside Dumbledore and Severus.

"I see Miss Potter has only just woken from a nap." Quirrel spoke.
"She's a growing girl, Quirrel, she needs the rest. And Miss Potter, what is with the cropped top? Your surely going to get cold wearing that." Poppy spoke.
"I'll be fine Poppy." She smiled.
"I'm not worried Rose, I know that Snape will keep you in control." Poppy smiled.
"Can't control a growing young lady. Not Lily and James little girl anyways." Minerva said.
"I heard Miss Potter takes run's around the castle. Snape, you may walk quickly but I heard she goes quite quicker than you when running." Another said.

"Rose, I heard you may have a crush on a certain red haired boy." Minerva said.
"She doesn't. She's not aloud to date till she's 16." Snape told her.
"Sure she can't." Minerva smirked at him.
"You're turning into a father, Severus." Dumbledore smiled and everyone laughed.
They all ate before going back to their rooms and sleeping. She fell asleep instantly and soon woke up around 5am in the morning. She got up and changed for her run.

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