Chapter 16

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After a well rested night, Rose woke and went to for the morning feast.
Of course like the last year, Rose didn't have anything weird during school.
Of course Quirrel had tried to speak to her again but she had been saved by Severus.

Her and the twins had took up pranking people during this time. The pranks being a lot larger now they had the marauders map. The twins knew Prongs was Rose's father so they usually let her control what happened with the map.
Severus seemed proud of the girl seeing as her pranks weren't used to bully people but instead to make people happy and laugh.

Either way the year was going quick and it was soon Christmas.
She had gotten quite a lot of stuff from many people. Some she acctuly had to give back due to not even knowing the people. She got books, clothes, jewelry and food from different people.
Of course like the other part of the year, that too went quickly. It was soon May 1st. Her birthday.
Usually she would be given a peice of jewelry. This time she got something different.
A note book with a lock and key. Of course she was greatful but she was wondering what it was for. She went to Severus and asked him to explain.

"The future will be dark. You will not ask for help so this may help." He simply said. Knowing something she clearly didn't.

Either way the year ended. She had been the seeker for the full year of Quiditch. Hadn't been injured yet. They didn't get the house cup though. Either way went to Severus and was apparated home. Him leaving instantly after dropping her off. She instantly ran to Dudleys and Harry's school into the hall for their leavers assembly which just started as she got there.

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