Chapter 5

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Shouto looks through the peep hole and sighs

"What do you want?" He asks with a annoyed tone opening the door

I lean around and see a guy just a few years older then us with white hair and grey eyes

"Is that anyway to great your elder brother" He asks smiling and my eyes widen and I hide behind Shouto my arms crossed on my chest

"Nat how did you get in?" Shouto asks stepping aside allowing him in he gives me an apologetic look and I smile a little letting him know I am not mad

"The door" He said and I smile a little as Shouto face palmed

"I have Aizawa contact info, I interviewed him for a school project a few years ago about our favorite hero, it pissed Dad off he yelled at me, Aizawa overheard and gave me his number. I think he suspected something"  He stated laughing at the end before he saw me

"Your Midoriya! Shouto talks about you 24/7" He said and I glanced at Shouto who blushed uncomfortable

"It's nice to meet you Todoroki" I say respectful

"Call me Natsuo" He said holding his hand out and I hesitate but uncrossed my arms shake his hands.

"Call me Izuku" I smiled and Shouto pulled me into his arms quickly slightly covering me

Natsuo looked at us and grinned  "finally! If I had to hear this peppermint faun over you about how much he wants to be with you I was gonna strangle him" He said and Shoto thew an Ice cube he made at his brother

"You never said why you are here" Shouto said annoyed

Natsuo looked uncomfortable "My roommate has a girl over and I didn't want to go to the house...and Fuy isn't at her apartment tonight if you remember she went to a school board meeting in Tokyo, would it be okay if I crashed here? Aizawa cleared it" He said looking genuinely guilty for asking, glancing at me

Shoto eyes soften and glanced down at me and I nodded

"Of course you can stay here oni-chan" Shoto said and Natsuo beamed

"Thanks" he said and put his stuff on the couch

"So how is everything? I haven't seen you since Kamino incident" He said causing me to flinch thinking about Kamino

Shouto glanced at me "I have been fine, just training. I can use fire and ice at the same time" He said and I smiled proudly

We all sat on the ground and I stayed quietly as I was in Shouto lap he refuse to let go

"Someone wants to cuddle" I tease and Natsuo smiled at us

"So any UA gossip?" He asked and I snorted thinking to Mineta

"Mineta was expelled" Shouto said and glanced at me concerned

"The purple hair ball kid" Natsu asked

"Yea he sexually assaulted one of our class mates" I said referring to Ashido

Shouto grip tightened on me and I rubbed his hand calming him

Natsu noticed this but whether he put two and two together he didn't say

"Well he didn't have much of a chance to be a hero. Who took his spot?" Natsu asked

"Hitoshi Shinso, he was a purple hair kid I fought at the sports festival"  I said and Natsuo lit up

"Brainwashing kid?! Dude he was awesome, he would be an amazing hero, he deserves to be in the Hero Course more then that pervert, how did ball kid get in the hero course anyway" He said looking intrested

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