Chapter 8

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I stare at the man in front of me and look at my Mom and walk around him and step in between my mother and him

"You can leave, don't start a scene here" I say and the white haired man looked at me

"Izzie-" but I cut him off

"Its Izuku" I snap and he rolls his eyes

"Bastard he said leave" Kacchan snapped coming up next to me

"I didn't know you were her bodyguard" He says and Kacchan let off a small explosion

"He! Now fucking leave before I blast you to hell!" He shouts and the man backs away

"Hisashi we can talk at home later don't cause a scene at Izuku school" my mom said and I stayed between them

He rolls his eyes and turns and froze seeing Aizawa who had his quirk activated at my father

"I'm leaving don't worry" he snapped and walked past and Present Mic was waiting

"I will be escorting you off campus" He said with his rare serious look and took him away

I turn and hug my mom and she hugs back

"I'm sorry Izuku he was in the class room before we arrived" she said and I shushed her

"It's okay mom." I smile and glance at my confused classmates

"I'll explain later" I say and they respect my privacy and Kacchan huffed looking pissed and I hug him

"Thank you Kacchan" I say and he huffs and ruffles my hair

"Yea whatever nerd" he says quietly and I smile pulling away

"Alright sit down while I take attendance as more parents arrive. Todoroki where is Natsuo?" Aizawa asks as said white haired man ran in

Shouto snorts and I grin at this

"Sorry here." He says and we all laughed and Aizawa snorts

"Welcome Natsuo, thank you for making your presence known" Aizawa smirked and Natsu blushed realizing he was loud

"Nat! You left yo-" the young guy froze at the door and our jaw dropped at the man

Tamaki Amajiki the big 3 student who graduated last year

His face flushed "you left your jacket..." he said and Natsu smiled at him

"Thanks babe. Sorry for leaving like that I almost forgot I had to be here. Be careful at work" he said and Tamaki blushed backing from the door way not liking us staring at him

"I-its o-ok-okay loveyoubye!" He kissed Natsu on the cheek and ran off

Natsuo chuckled but turned and saw our wide eyes

"That was the UA student that graduated I told you about" he said blushing as he goes to stand next to Shouto who starts questioning him quietly

I smile, happy for Natsu but I start thinking about my Dad

After so many years he decides to just show up out of the blue like this? Are you kidding me

I glance at my mom who seemed lost in thought. I grab her hand and she sighs and kisses the top of my head and smiles

"You okay?" She whispers and I nod not wanting her to worry

Kacchan was talking quietly with his Dad the Denki jumped on his back and Kacchan grunted but adjusted him on his back and continued his conversation and Uncle chuckled at them

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