Chapter 6

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"Midoriya to the left past the destroyed buildings" Shoji said and my team headed that way

"Todoroki head up around the right corner. Kirishima left corner. I'll head on the roof and Midoriya and Sero go straight ahead and we'll trap whoever is coming this way" Tsu said and I nodded and we split

All of a sudden an electric current was sent flying at us and we barely dodged it

"Denki" Sero said and soon I see Denki and Ururaka coming towards us

Wheres Kacchan?

"Deku!" I hear and I look up and Kacchan was flying down towards me I soon get yanked out of the way by Tsu and he hit the ground in an explosion

We fly back and I see Kirishima getting thrown by Sero to get Bakugou

"Zuku behind you!" I hear Shouto and I turn and Ojiro is swinging his tail and I activate One For All and and spin kick him away from me and Sero caught him in his tape capturing him

"Good one Midoriya!" Sero yell and Tsu takes Ojiro

"Ill take anyone you capture back to our base" She said and hopped off

Shouto blasts his fire at Sato going in a one on one match and Kirishima is going at Kacchan

I'm going for Denki

I see Denki run by try to get Tsu and I swing one for all 8 percent into his gut shooting him in the air

Ururaka comes at me and I duck and swing my leg kicking her legs out from under her

"Sero now!" I yell and he tapes Ururaka up and I see Hitoshi jump and wrap Denki in his capture scarf and as Denki tries to electrocute him it fails

"What the heck babe!?" He complains and Toshi smirked

"My suit is leather idiot" he says and Denki pouted

I see Iida run pass with Amajiki in his arms. Poor guy looked sick

"Midoriya, Hagakura and Aoyama are heading this way" Iida said running past me

Right then a laser comes at me and I jump dodging and it hits and invisible person spreading light beams around us blinding us

"Hey Deku!" I hear and before I could see I was it by an explosion in the middle of my chest

I was flung back and thrown in a coughing fit

Smoke clears a little and I notice the front of my hero suit was in tatters leaving my binder showing

"Dammit" I say and Kacchan finally sees me and his eyes widen

"Icyhot!" He yells blasting another explosion so smoke covered me

I see Shouto and Sero appearing and he sees me and I stand up

" Momo" I say and Kacchan blasts off and Shoto creates and Ice wall around us

"This is costing us time" I say hating myself at the moment

"Its fine" Shouto says giving me a smile but soon the ice blasted with a laser and Aoyama came

"You can not stop mu-" He cut off staring at me but I use it to my advantage and kick him and Hagakura tried to get Sero but was caught by Toshi, Sero taped him up and Hagakure. Tsu jumped in

"Take them to the base" Sero said and she nodded looked at me and smiled

I might as come out already I swear

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