Chapter 29

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I saw Shouto round the corner and he stared wide eyed at the situation

My parents...

I finger spelled 'get Aizawa' and he nodded remembering the signing lessons and booked it

"Are you even paying attention to me? Denki!" My mother snapped her fingers in my face and I lightly smack her hand away

"Back off! You guys literally only care about your fucking reputation, I've lived alone at home with a butler and a maid why you guys go around the world leaving your son to raise himself. Thinking a tutor would help me. You guys didn't know I had adhd till I got to UA! Because I had a teacher that cared enough to pay attention to me! Now all of a sudden you find out your 17 year old son is going to be a father and now you waltz right in trying to take me out of UA!?" I shouted and my Father got in my face

"Don't you dare speak to your Mother like that! We have gave you everything! Money, a mansion to live in, the top education. And you throw it all away for some wanna be pregnant male-"

Next thing I feel is my fist throbbing and my Father is on the floor holding his face

My mother gasps kneeling next to him and electricity sprouts all over my body

"Don't you fucking ever talk about Hitoshi that way, he has been there for me when you wouldn't even answer your phone! His parents have taken care of me and helped me with homework took care of my mental needs! And now I have 3 amazing boyfriends and probably a soon to be 4th. I have 3 beautiful children on the way and one things is for sure that you two will not get to even know their names." I say gripping my fists

"Why you little brat!" My Mother goes to smack me and I flinch back

It never came.

I look up and Aizawa was holding my Mother's face wrist

"I've heard all I needed to hear. Security is on their way, you are banned from UA permanently. I told myself I'd take care of you personally." He says then glances at me

I look away

"But I see that he needed to be the one instead. UA has full custody of your son from this moment forth, he will be turning 18 in a few months anyways. If needed a restraining order will be filed. Do not push to that limit." Aizawa warned and security showed up grabbing them

"Wait Denki please I'm your mother." She says and I stared at her my heart clenching a little but I stand my ground

"You're just a woman who gave birth to me." I whispered and she gets tears in her eyes

"If you do this you'll be cut off" My Father said and I laugh empty

"Do you think I care? All I ever wanted was you guys not the damned money. I'll make my own. Bye" I say and I turn away as security pulled them away

As the adrenaline went away tears filled my eyes and I cover my mouth and I feel a hand on my shoulder and Aizawa pulled me in his arms

I broke down crying and soon I was in hysterics

I heard a voice I knew speaking to Aizawa and they speak but I was too out of it to know who it was or what they were saying

I knew at some point someone is holding me and they were warm but I soon was passed out

Time Skip

I wake up to someone running their fingers through my hair and I look and my heart skipped a beat


He notices me and smiles a bit

I was giving Toshi a lot of crap for crushing on him but I too was crushing on him also we both knew it too. Made a bet on who would get a kiss first. Katsuki said Touya liked all of us which made Kiri blush

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