Chapter 22

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"Zuku are you ready?" Sho asks me and I jump and pull my shirt over my belly quickly as he walks around the corner

"Y-yea!" I say and grab my hoodie and he smiles at me

"We've waited so long and we now get to know." He says and I laugh nervously

"Do you want a specific gender?" I ask curious and he hesitated and glances at me worried he'd say something wrong

I'm just curious. Gender doesn't matter for me. If our baby is born but identifies as something else later on then we will be by them for it. But this is always a fun step.

"I'm hoping for a boy...but obviously I just want a healthy happy baby and if later on down the road it changes then that's fine." He says with a smile and I smile

"I kinda want a girl. But same for everything else too obviously" I say and he hums kissing my head

"So Recovery Girl brought in the doctor you've been seeing?" He asks and I nod humming happily

"He's a good baby doctor, helping with peoples pregnancies. Tamaki is seeing him too" I say and we walk in to the infirmary

With us staying here now they transformed it for a doctor office

"Ah Midoriya" We hear and I look and see my doctor and I smile and bow a little

"Hello Dr. Kani" I say respectfully and Shoto bows and we follow him in a private room and I sit on the bed

"Finding out the gender right?" He asks and I nod

"Yeah, and a general check up too." I say and put my hand on my belly subconsciously

I see Shouto smile and sits next to the bed

"Alright well, pull your shirt over your belly and let's get started." He smiles and I feel slightly self conscious and I feel Shouto put his hand on my arm squeezing in reassuringly

I take a deep breath and pull it over the belly which was starting to extend out definitely and he puts the gel on there which I wince at the cold and he starts moving the transducer wand over my belly

"Alright, here's the baby." He says and I look at the screen and smile widely

"There's our baby." Shouto whispers and I take a shaky breath trying not to be emotional

"Alright ready to know the gender?" Dr. Kani asks and we both nod eagerly

"You can tell? I can't." Shouto asks and Dr. Kani turns the screen back to him

"Been doing this for many years, but yes I can tell. And you guys are going to have a...boy." He says and Shouto eyes light up and my heart fills with excitement

"A boy Sho." I say grabbing his hand and he kiss me softly

We pull back and I go to ask Dr.Kani something and suddenly I see him frowning and looking at the ultrasound and my heart fills with worry

"Is everything alright?" I ask and he looks at us and puts on a smile

"Yes everything is fine. I want to run a few tests for the check up of course." He says and I glance at Sho and he squeezes my hand

"Of course." Sho says and I nod and Dr.Kani smiles and leaves to grab some things

"I didn't like that look." Shouto admits and I sigh worried

"Let's just do the tests" I mumble as anxiety creeper over me

Please please let my baby be okay.

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