Chapter 17

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"Y-your my-" I start but I get cut off

"Brother? Yes I am." He says and he presses his giant expanded hand crushing Aizawa in the wall and everyone steps forward but he shoots them a look and they stop

"Izuku stay behind me." Miziki says his arm in front of me and the our villain brother laughs

"You have to be kidding me? You don't even have a quirk." He says and I glare at him

"Your child 34 Tobias, you're a couple years older then me. Why are you harassing a bunch of teenagers?" Miziku asks turning on his detective mode

"Nice try, but I'm not answering a thing to you. Father will be here soon. Unless you're willing for a trade off?" He says and I frown

"What do you mean?" I ask and he smirks

"You come with me and I'll leave them all alone" He says and I hesitate

"That's out of the question" Sho snaps and takes a step in front of me

"Oh? Tell me this. There's one of me, and several of you. Why haven't any of you tried to attack?" He asks and we glance at Aizawa under his expanded hand and back at him

"You guys how no idea what tricks I hold. Heck I could have another quirk. Let me say this right now though, this place has been filled with ticking time bombs. One wrong move and I'll have this place blown to dust." He snaps and all of us tensed

"Impossible! For you to have access you would need to know the codes to have get in the building. And the people that know them are UA Staff and students! None of them would tell you!" Tenya exclaims and Tobias chuckles deeply

"What about an ex student?" He says and I gasp

"Mineta..." I whisper and Tobias grins

"Purple Hair Ball was very mad about his expulsion." He laughs and Shouto curses next to me and glances at me

I look around the room and Ochaco is inching towards behind Tobias

"Fine." I say and he looks at me and I slowly take a step forward and Miziki grabs my shirt

"Are you crazy?" He snaps and I give him a look

Trust me Miziki

Sho notices and stays silent and watch especially me take a step forward forward

"Take your hand off my teacher and I'll go with you willingly" I say and he smirks and drops Aizawa and Tsu pulls him over to the group as he takes deep breaths in pain looking at me shaking his head

"So where too?" I ask and Ochaco gets right behind him

"That's for me to know an-what the fuck!" he gets caught off as Ochaco puts all her hands on him and makes him float

"Guys let's go now!" She shouts and Shoji carries Aizawa and we all book it out the room

Kouda pulls the fire alarm as we all evacuate and suddenly we here a shout

"You all made a big mistake!" We hear and suddenly we hear explosions around the building

"Get close now!" Shouto shouts and suddenly ice forms around us and I notice it gets thicker

We hear the explosions hit the ice but Shouto keeps his hand on the ice keeping it secure

"I can't keep him floating much longer he might have found a way already" Ochaco says light headed

"He wants Izuku right?" Kyoka says and Shouto sends her a glare and she puts her hands up

"What if Miziki and Izuku escape while we fight him off?" She says and I step up

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