Mothpool- Golden Sunlight

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The sun warmed the two as they lay curled up talking by the shoreline. The cool water lapped at the shore near their paws.

They kept the tenderness of their visit hushed in giggles and hushed stories.

Since they met in broad daylight they knew they had to be quieter in case a patrol caught them.

"Leafpool" Mothwing spoke her voice gentle.

Leafpool's chest flutters with butterflies as the other she-cat said her name. "Yes Mothwing?"

"I got you something" she whispers suddenly feeling nervous.

"Oh?" Leafpool waited for her to continue curiosity swirling in her eyes.

The dapple golden she cat gently pulled a necklace weaved from reeds, moss, and sweet grass. There was shells weaved in the necklace.

"I made this for you as a promise to stay with you" Mothwing explained.

"I love it! Oh Mothwing of course" Leafpool purrs nuzzling her mate.

The golden she cat returns the nuzzle. After she puts the necklace around her neck.

They stayed like that for a long time before they heard the rustling of leaves and they pulled away from each other.

A squirrel jumped out from the bushes.

The wave of relief that washed over them.

"I think it's time I go. For now" Mothwing tells her

"Yeah they are probably wondering about me" Leafpool murmurs.

"I love you" Mothwing tells her before disappearing.

Leafpool whispers them back as she watches Mothwing disappear from her view.

Leafpool starts making her way back to camp. She knows that Mothwing will be her forever companion in life. She loves Mothwing and their physical distance doesn't matter.

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