Into You- Leopardstar x Sasha

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Requested by:vomit_pup
Leopardstar sat by the river waiting for Sasha to join her. She had asked for the she-cat to join her and talk about joining the clan. She wanted her to join Riverclan because she liked the she-cat but she could also see her kits if she stayed plus Riverclan needs more warriors.

“Leopard” a voice meows followed by the sound of paw steps brushing reeds as they approach. The name the rouge has named her never quite sounded wrong but it never sounded right either.

The golden she-cat turned her head to face the tan she-cat with golden amber eyes. Leopardstar’s eyes met Sasha’s the amber eyes pulled Leopardstar in just like it seemed to be doing more and more lightly. Like a moth to a flame.

“Sasha come sit how are you?” she asked her tail wrapped around her side.

The rouge joins the leader at her side sitting down with her tail neatly over her paws. “I have been good, the kits seem to enjoy it here”

“They do, they fit in well” Leopardstar agrees Hawkit and Mothkit have been adapting well to clan life and now that they are older they talk about being warriors too.

“The sunset looks amazing against the water” Sasha comments while her eyes reflect the water and the light making her eyes glow like fire. It draws Leopardstar making her feel like a moth to a flame.

“Yes it does” the leader agrees softly

When Sasha turns to face Leopardstar the other she-cat feels her pelt get hot she realizes she had been staring.

Sasha gives an amused purr her gaze filled with amusement yet she waits for the leader to speak first.

Leopardstar clears her throat “um Sasha I have been meaning to ask you something”

Sasha tilts her head at the leader “yes?” her gaze glittering with curiosity

“Would you like to join Riverclan? If you stay you can stay with your kits and me you can get a warrior name and-” the leader stopped once she noticed the look on Sasha had changed.

“I’m sorry Leopard but I don’t think I can I am a free cat and I feel trapped here as much as I love the clan and the cats here I don’t think I can stay” the tan she-cat meows regret seeping into her tone hot and sticky. The pain stained her face like black ink as she spoke.

“No I understand… when you leave promise to visit please?” the golden she-cat pleads her eyes meeting Sasha’s amber
“I will because I cannot part from those I love for very long” Sasha smiles slightly her tone easing up the bittersweet tone carried in her voice.

“I want you to know you will always be welcome here in Riverclan”

Sasha purrs and licks the leader cheek before nuzzling her “and you will always be with me please tell the kits of my plan I must go now. I will be back in a few moons I know you can take care of them” she whispers in her ear before disappearing into evening.

Leopardstar watched her go the sun now almost swallowed by the horizon. A sinking feeling settled in her chest like stones. She knows what she must do now she will take care of Hawkkit and Mothkit for her.
It has been a few days since Sasha had left and Leopardstar has been visiting them every day and taking care of them for her. When she told Hawkkit and Mothkit they reacted confused but they were excited for when she would come back and visit again.

But right now she isn’t quite sure if she can get the pain of Sasha leaving even if she knows the she-cat will return its the longing for the warmth and the sharing of prey with her everything about her.

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