Painted Skies (reader x Leopardstar)

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Requested by: @ToadJaw
You push through the reeds that lead to the Riverclan camp. You just returned from patrol and you now just wanted to rest in the warmth of the sun until you were called for hunting patrol.

While you find a spot by the medicine den the warmth of the sun soaked your fur. It felt nice you always preferred warmth to the cold.


You look up and see Leopardstar approach you her golden gaze soft.

"Leopardstar" you purr she has been your best friend since you both were made apprentices together.

"I want to show you something"

"Okay" you get up and start following her towards the camp entrance and into the birch forest.

The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the river and prey running around.

"How was your day?" you ask breaking the comfortable silence.

"It was good but better when I found this place to show you"

It was always nice to see her this excited you wished she could be like this more often. She was always so cute like this.

She started to lead you closer to the back of Riverclan territory.

"Right through here," the leader said as she pushed through the reeds.

You followed her and when you got past the reeds it revealed a pond with trees making shade around the edge of the water. The sun shone on the water making the pond glitter.

"I knew you'd like it" Leopardstar purrs excitement glittering in her eyes. They always sparkled like the sun.

"Excited aren't you?" you tease tail curling in amusement.

"Well there is another reason I asked you to come here" Leopardstar tried to hide how nervous she was but it seeped into her tone.


"Y/w/n... You have always meant a lot to me. You were my friend first then I started thinking about you differently... You always had a way of brightening me up like no other cat." she pauses to see your reaction before continuing "you make me feel at home here in Riverclan"

You sat taking in all of her words for a moment before saying "you are my home and I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Will you be my forever home?"

You purr and lick her cheek "of course"

You spent the rest of the afternoon just forgetting about responsibility for just a short time to watch the sunset. It all felt right just like being home.

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