Together (kittypet!Whitestorm x Tigerclaw)

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Requested by @spiderlily19

The morning air was cool against Whitestorm's face as he pads along the wooden fences connecting his garden with others in the neighborhood. That's when he spotted a brown tabby tom. He was looking around lost.

Whitestorm jumps down from the fence "hey! Are you lost?"

The tabby tom whipped his head around his amber eyes piercing into Whitestorm. His shoulders tense "who are you?"

Whitestorm clears his throat "I'm Whitestorm! I live with my house folk in one of the gardens over there" Whitestorm points with his tail in the direction he came.

The tabby tom relaxes but his eyes still fixing Whitestorm. "I'm Tigerclaw"

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" Whitestorm assures the other tom.

Tigerclaw's tail sways then he relaxes fully after sighing "I figured. Tell me why you don't have a collar for a kitty pet you don't look like one"

"Kittypet? You mean house cat? My house folk let me outside. I like hunting the birds and mice that hang around our garden." Whitestorm explains

"I guess that seems like you live a very eventful life for a kittypet. I'm from Thunderclan we live  in the forest" Tigerclaw tells him.

"The forest cats are real? Henry said you guys eat bones" Whitestorm meows

Tigerclaw chuckles "you kitty pets have no idea what we do. We hunt to survive and we don't eat bones. We bury them after giving thanks to Starclan for giving us their life"

Whitestorm blinks "Starclan?" Interest and curiosity shining in his eyes.

"It's where we go when we die. When we go there we become a star and can be seen my our clan mates here." Tigerclaw explains looking up into the now blue sky with sun shining down onto them.

Whitestorm nods "what's Starclan like?"

"Well when we get there you can hunt and never feel hungry and the warmth of the sun never stops"

"That sounds amazing. Almost like what my house folk give me" Whitestorm meows

"Hm well maybe. But Starclan is more than that." Tigerclaw then looks up at the sun.

"I must go my clan will be looking for me" Tigerclaw turns to leave "I'll see you around" and with that Whitestorm watched him leave.
Whitestorm would go to the fence of his garden and wait looking for Tigerclaw. Every day and he would normally come during the evening or early morning. On this day though it was cloudy and Whitestorm could smell the rain in the air.

He wasn't sure Tigerclaw was going to show up. As it was getting too late for him to show up.


He turns at the sound of the voice to find Princess padding towards him on the fence. "Princess?"

She flicks her tail in greeting. "Hey what are you doing staring into the woods?"

"Oh uh just looking"

"Well you look like you're waiting for someone" Princess meows following Whitestorm's gaze out into the green and shaded forest.

"I just was watching for some of the birds" Whitestorm wasn't sure if he should tell Princess about this forest cat. Though he felt the guilt for not telling her and lying sync its claws into his chest.

"Oh. Well I've been meaning to tell you! I'm expecting kits!" Princess purrs her eyes shining with excitement and joy.

"That's great Princess" Whitestorm smiles at her a purr rumbles in his chest.

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