One Truth, One Great Pain

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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Previously on MLP: The Blue Devil...

After discovering a secret passage in the Crystal Empire castle, Princess Cadence finds a pony sealed in a crystal, she sends letters to all the Mane and Princess Celestia that claims that pony has been sealed for hundreds of years. Determined to free the pony from its prison, they break the crystal that kept it sealed. After waking up in an unknown place the Pony revealed to be a Pegasus escapes the castle hurriedly but finds a world totally different from the one he knew, lost and confused the Pegasus flees and is pursued by the Wonderbolts who unfortunately fail to capture him when witnessing that the Pony young Pegasus was able to make the Sonic Rainbow. Determined to find him, Mane 6 and Princesses Celestia and Cadence prepare to go looking for him. But it looks like someone has already found it...

On a cloud in the sky of the Crystal Empire...

Pegasus???: I think I managed to lose them. But the problem is? Like Lightning and Thunder I do to get down from here?

Pegasus looks at the ground several feet below.

Pegasus???: What I wouldn't give to know how to fly...

In a cloud several and several masters was our fugitive Pegasus, watching the moon and the stars while his mind filled with thoughts.

Pegasus???: Where the heck in Equestria am I?

He then looks down to see the Empire several feet below him. He saw how everything looked peaceful and calm, without sadness and oppression, it was very different from how he remembered it. King Sombra had oppressed the people and stole the throne, and his dominion had grown more and more. But down there there was none of that, the ponies were happy and merry, there was none of the darkness he remembered.

Pegasus???: What happened? The war is over? Has the King Sombra been defeated?

Pegasus then starts having memories, he starts thinking about his uncle, and his two best friends. The last thing he remembers was seeing his uncle, Zoom Comet, and his friend Candy Pie lying on the ground while injured, and then his best friend Apple Bucky being hit by a magical beam that caused an explosion and then a burst of laughter. the sound of hooves approaching him and then everything went dark.

Pegasus???: What happened to the others after I passed out?

He then hears a flutter of wings beside him, he then turns to see a mare flying close to the cloud he was on, Pegasus then noticed that it was the same mare he had found reading a book as he was running away. She had a grayish phthalo blue coat, a very light sky blue mane and tail, and her Cutie Mark was a moon surrounded by a black color. It was Princess Luna, but Pegasus didn't realize it.

The Night Princess looked at him with a gentle smile before asking.

Princess Luna: Greetings. May I join you?

Scared Pegasus assumed a defensive posture while facing the Princess of the Night.

Pegasus???: Who are you?

Princess Luna: The mare you interrupted reading.

Pegasus then remembers that the mare flying in front of him was the same one he found reading a book as he fled the castle.

Pegasus???: Right, it's you. But what do you want from me?

Princess Luna: Just having a conversation with you.

Pegasus???: *sarcastic* Conversation is? Know.

Pegasus turned to jump off the cloud but was stopped.

Princess Luna: Please wait, I know you're confused by everything you've seen. But if you come with me I can explain it to you.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Story : The Blue DevilWhere stories live. Discover now