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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Sonic Comet's eyes widened as he felt the train start to stop. He gave a yawn and stretched his legs and wings to shake the sleep out of his system, rubbing his eyes as he looked out the window to see a small town bustling with ponies of different colors and breeds. The foal's eyes widened at the sight and a smile crept across his face.

Sonic Comet: Wow, this place reminds me a lot of Greenville.

Twilight Sparkle: Good morning sleepyhead.

Sonic turned his head to see Twilight smiling at him. He then returns the smile.

Sonic Comet: Good morning Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Did you sleep well?

Sonic Comet: After napping for a thousand years, it's good to rest *laughs*.

Twilight smiled and motioned for him to follow. Sonic complied and followed the purple mare and the rest of the Mane 6 out of the train station and on their way through town. Upon reaching the city, Sonic Comet began to look around curiously.

Spike: Welcome to Ponyville.

The foal didn't answer, he just watched the place without saying anything.

Twilight Sparkle: How are you, Sonic?

Sonic Comet: Everything, I think... It's just that everything is so different... But at the same time it's similar... It's the first city I visit after so long...

Spipe: You can take that off your to-do list now.

Sonic is then confused by this.

Sonic Comet: What list of things?

Spike: I meant a... List of things you want to do before... yeah, kick your ass.

Sonic Comet: I've also never kicked the bucket. Jeez! I have to make the list.

Sonic then pulls out a piece of paper and starts writing on it half excited but after a moment he stops feeling sad. Seeing this Twilight asks worriedly.

Twilight Sparkle: What is it? What's the problem?

Sonic Comet: There's so much I've never done, and now I don't think it will be the same without my friends...

Spike is kind of sad to hear this and tries to cheer up his new friend.

Spike: Well I guess you have all the time in the world to make new friends. Who knows I won't help you.

Sonic Comet: What? Oh really? Thank you Spike.

Spike then jumps on Sonic's back and starts telling him various things.

Spike: We could go to a donut shop, you'll love the donuts they make. Oh, and there's the comics...

Sonic was paying attention to what Spike was saying or at least he was trying as he couldn't understand most of the things he was talking about, he then turned to Twilight with a smile on his face.

Sonic Comet: I think I'll like it here.

As they went their way, the Mane 6 separated, each one going their own way, until only Sonic Comet, Twilight and Spike remained. The three soon arrived at a large tree in the center of town. The lavender mare opened the door and the foal's eyes widened at the sheer amount of books in the place.

Sonic Comet: Wow...

He then walked to the center of the library as he surveyed the place in awe.

Sonic Comet: There are so many books here.

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