The project

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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

It had been a week since the first day of Sonic Comet class, rumors of a blue and yellow figure running all over Ponyville and preventing robbery or accidents were the talk of the ponies, they had dubbed this blue figure several names but the most famous were " The Blue Devil" and "The Thunder Over Earth".

Some thought that this figure could be Rainbow Dash but she quickly dismissed this theory when she said that she is faster flying than running like The Blue Devil. And now the question remained, if not even Rainbow Dash who is the fastest flyer in Equestria was that Thunder over Earth, then who else could it be? Fortunately for our friend Sonic Comet, nobody suspected that he was that runner.

Today our friend Pegasus was sitting in his place by the window with a boredom as big as his wings. The foal sat at his desk while Miss Cheerilee discussed literature that seemed more trouble than it was worth. Now Sonic could understand why the other students found the classes boring. He took notes and packed his things when the lunch bell rang. The Pegasus got up and went towards the door. But a voice stopped him.

Cheerilee: Can I speak to you for a moment in private, Sonic Comet?

Sonic Comet: Sure Miss Cheerilee.

The colt waited until the last pony had left before trotting over to the mare's table. He then asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sonic Comet: Is something wrong? Are my grades bad? Did I do something I shouldn't or something?

Cheerilee: No, your grades are good. One of the best in the class, I might add.

Pegasus just nodded, still confused.

Cheerilee: It's just that I haven't seen you talk to any of the other kids.

Sonic gave a tired sigh at this, after all, was he ready for this? Did he feel prepared to open up to others? For new friendships? To leave all your past behind? Saying it was easy but doing it was something else.

Sonic Comet: Is that why?

Cheerilee: That. Why don't you talk to anyone?

Sonic Comet: Look Miss Cheerilee, at the moment I prefer to be alone, at least for now...

He then looks down at the floor and a sad look threatens to cross his face.

Cheerilee then speaks with a smile

Cheerilee: Why? Every pony needs friends.

He then responds in a normal tone.

Sonic Comet: Yeah, I don't disagree with that...

A sad look crosses his gaze.

Sonic Comet: But... I don't know if... I'm ready for this...

Cheerilee: I still don't understand how a pony your age...

Sonic then speaks with a small smile.

Sonic Comet: It may not look like it but I'm twelve years old and despite being considered young now I'm more than capable of looking after myself.

Cheerilee: I know more-

He then interrupts her.

Sonic Comet: Miss Cheerilee, forgive me if I'm being disrespectful to you but, I don't think this matter concerns you. My grades are good and that's what matters while I'm here. Right?

The mare was stunned by the foal's words. Cheerilee let out a sigh and waved at him. Sonic nodded guiltily for being rude as he grabbed his lunch on the way out the door. The mare rubbed her head with her hooves as she tried to process the information. She let out a deep sigh as she thought of a plan to get him to fit in.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Story : The Blue DevilWhere stories live. Discover now