Chapter 6: What Have I Done?

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The ride to the hospital took what seemed like for ever. When we got there it didn't take long for them to rush him through double doors and say we can't go in. The wait only took 30 minutes but it seemed we were out in the waiting room for a lifetime.

"Liam Felix's family." The doctor with black hair that was soothed over finally states. John, my mom, and I all stand up and walk over to the doctor who brings us behind the double doors so he doesn't make Liam's condition public. "Im afraid Liam's condition is pretty serious, but he will be alright. He has a broken leg and a bruised kidney..." I let out a sigh a relief when I notice he wasn't finished. My face immediately goes back to a worried look and he continues "...The bruise on the kidney caused some swelling and it hasn't gone down any so we will have to operate or there is a 50% chance he will have internal bleeding. Who's his guardian?"

I gave my mom a concerned look and then look at where John was standing but isn't there anymore. I saw my mom signing the paper on the doctor's clipboard. I let a relieved but also worried sigh out. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see the person I least expected.

"Bradley?" I say stunned to see him. "Why are you here? How did you know I was here?..." I ask but couldn't finish before my mom tapped my shoulder to tell me the doctor said I could go see Liam.

I walked in the room my mom said he was in and the doctor was there too. "It won't be long before the operating room is open and he has to go." Said the doctor. I walk over to Liam's bed before he speaks.

"Who's there?" He asks I was stunned he would even ask this but I answer in the sweetest tone of voice I could and tried to keep the worried out.

"It's Maria. I am so ----" He cuts me off.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He yells. I try to say something but before I could he continues. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!" I back up a little and try to speak again but he continues, "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN." He yells even more. "You and me, that was the biggest mistake I have ever made" He mumbles, finally stopping his yelling.

I run out of the room, through the double doors and grab my mom's keys out of her hands. I can't drive just yet even though I do have my permit, but I mainly do this just so she can't follow me.

*Bradley's P.O.V*

I feel a wind on the back of my neck and look the way it was headed. Maria? I look at her mom. She was just standing there.

"Do you want me to go after her?" I ask. She quickly nods and I start to run after Maria. I didn't know what to do or why she was running so I just tried to keep up with her. I knew she was going to her house about two minutes after I started chasing her because of the route she was taking. It didn't take long for her to realize I was behind her and she picked up her pace.

When I reach the house she is already inside and has the door locked so I quietly knock on it with just one knuckle. "Maria?" I try to say in a comforting voice even though I am out of breath.

"Don't even try to get me to open the door. *sniffle*" She says which makes me sad too because I don't like when my friends are sad.

"Please, just open the door so you can tell me what happened. I'm here for you. I always will be no matter what happens." I say still in a soft and comforting voice finally catching my breath a little. Before she answers, I of think of something else to say. "I never meant to hurt you, I honestly have always liked you and have been to stupid to realize it and I don't like you being sad." I was relieved when she opened the door but she only opens it a crack. 'That's better than nothing.' I think to myself.

I tried to push it open a little more but she pushes against it almost making me stumble backwards so I decide not to do that anymore. I give her a small smile and it quickly disappears when she actually opens the door all the way. The house was a complete mess, well at least what I could see. The first thing I notice is the chair was flipped and there are tissues everywhere. I look back at Maria and I just felt my heart drop to my feet. Her face was as red as a fire truck and her eyes were all puffy and blood shot. All I could do was look at her and give her a worried and concerned look. We just stood there in silence for the longest time. I then tried to pull her in a hug, not knowing what else to do or how she would react. Surprisingly she leapt right in the hug starting to sob once again and almost knocking me to the ground once more.

"Shhhh, shhhh, its okay. Come on, lets go sit down." I said and we went inside. We sat down on the couch and she just sat down before me and started quivering. I sat beside her, which was also the end of the couch, she put my arm around her leaning her into my chest now only crying a little. I kept trying to comfort her and we both eventually drifted off to sleep.


I was woken up by something touching my lips. I was still half asleep and looked at the time, 6:22. I was only asleep for a few minutes. I then looked up and saw Maria and then immediately closed my eyes again. Our lips moved in sync as I licked her bottom lip for entrance which she gladly expected. She slowly started to unbutton my shirt but I stopped her and just ripped it off.


Before I could comprehend what was happening I heard something from behind me. I broke the kiss and looked over at the door and saw the door knob wiggling. I looked at the clock once again and it was 6:47.

Maria and I both got up and quickly threw our clothes back on. I headed out the door after pecking her lips. I unlocked the door and headed outside only to find Maria's mom, Mrs. Watson. "How is she?" She asked me I told her that she was better but before I could finish my sentence she cuts me off... "Um, er... why is your shirt on backwards?" She asked me pointing at my shirt. I looked down to notice it was all jagged and indeed backwards.

"Um, gotta to. Hope Maria is feeling better." I quickly said before fast walking away.

I didn't bother to look back but I wish I would have. I was out of sight and halfway down my street before something catches my eye. Out of the corner of my eye I see a dark figure and I start picking up my pace once again trying to fix my shirt in the process. My house was in view when something grabs me from behind and puts their hand on my mouth. I quickly think to kick 'it' where the sun doesn't shine then elbow them in what I hope was their rib cage. I start running but it grabs my leg this time, then my other leg and I'm pulled behind a bush. Im blindfolded, mouth is duck taped and hands and feet tied before I could even realize what happened.

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