Chapter 10: Liam Felix?

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(Don't listen to the song "Best Mistake" by Chris Wallace until it comes up please. It will make more sense if you wait. As always thanks for reading, vote comment and ILY all:)

Maria's P.O.V

It was the day after Harry had identified the shoes and we were all once again in the office discussing what they are going to do to catch this un-sub. Hotch excused himself after his phone started to ring and walked out of the room. One Direction had just come through the door of the office after Hotch left but they were nowhere near as happy as they were yesterday because they didn't know why they were here before. Liam was the first to walk in and my eyes were the first once his met and he gave me a sad and forced smile which I returned, just as sad and forced. We had enough chairs today and he took the one to my right and Niall took the one to my left with Louis beside Niall then Harry beside Louis. It was only 9am now and we all stayed in the building over night for protective custody. I was thinking about who hated me like Derek told me too but couldn't really focus because Liam kept looking at me with a little anger showing. Hotch then came back in the room with no hesitation before speaking.

"There's a body." And with no hesitation once again we all ran to the back of the building, out the door which is where they kept multiple black vans with tented windows so no one could see in them. I was in the one with one direction seeing as it was the only one with an empty seat. The 2 body guards jumped in the front seats and the rest of us jumped in the back, 2 seats in the middle and 3 in the back. The other 2 vans only had 5 seats in each. Hotch was driving one and Derek drove the other. We were on a group call so Hotch could explain more about what happened on the call from earlier.

"Before anyone freaks out to much..." It's a little too late for that. "...let me say the victim is still alive but barely. The finder of the body has been giving him CPR since she found him and the officer that called me said if she was there any later he probably wouldn't have made it. She heard about Louis on the news and her daughter is a fan and she confirmed it wasn't him." All the boys and I sighed and cheered because whoever it is is still okay or will be.
It only took about 10 more minutes until we arrived at the scene. The boys, their body guards, and I couldn't cross the police tape so we had to wait. The boys were talking about something and I didn't understand, nor did I pay much attention either so I walked away and just looked around. I saw a gurney being wheeled and about to be loaded in an ambulance with I'm guessing the victim on it. I ran towards it to see who it was. When I got there he was unconscious and one of the paramedics stopped me.

"Who are you?" The one who stopped me asked.

"My name is Maria, I'm apparently the whole reason this is all happening." I said and the last part in a whisper. Reid then came over to ask the victim some questions but too noticed he was unconscious. He looked at me along with the paramedics.

"Maria, can I ask you some questions while they take this victim to the hospital and run some tests. Reid asked me. I looked at John sadly, knowing it's my fault he had the blood on his head. I then looked back at Reid and nodded slowly.

"What's the victim's name?" Reid asks me. I was about to answer but was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see a paramedic but not the same one from earlier.

"Could you tell us the victims name and his age so we can put it on his chart? We can ask him the rest of the information later when he wakes up but we need to know so we can run some test." I stepped aside so I was facing both Reid and the paramedic.

"His name is John; he just turned 17 a couple days ago." I said and they both wrote down what I had told them. The paramedic walked away and Reid stepped over to face me a little better.

"Don't worry Maria, we will find them. He has made one mistake by not making sure his victim was dead, he is bound to mess up again and when he does we will have him." He said. I could hear a little worry in his voice toward the end. I heard a phone ringing and Reid excused himself. It was Garcia and she called Derek who had it on speaker. They clearly thought I was out of earshot but I wasn't. I bent down behind a bush and listened very closely.

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