Chapter Nine

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Anna was dragging you to a store in town, almost bumping into everything.

"Anna, watch out!" Was the one thing you kept yelling as she blindly ran across the street.

When she finally slowed down, you noticed people were staring at you and whispering.

You realized that it wasn't really right for women to wear pants. Honestly, you didn't care. You hated dresses.

Anna noticed too, and frowned. She didn't say anything.

When you finally arrived at the chocolate store, you heard a scream for help.

Anna and you ran toward the sound. You looked around and saw the nothing.

"In the water!" Anna yelled.

You ran for the docks and saw a man had fallen in.

"Oh, Tobias! Someone help him, please! He can't swim." A woman pleaded.

You dove into the water and reached the man. You carried him on your back and helped him onto the dock.

You jumped out behind him. The man was already hugging the woman.

"Thank you so much! Who are you?" The woman asked.

You tell her your name and say that you are the queen's personal guard.

"I do not doubt it! You are really strong and brave! How can I repay you?" The woman asks.

You say you don't need to be repaid because you liked helping people.

"Well, just know that I owe you for saving my husband! My name is Tris Eaton. Please, do find me if you ever need help." She said.

You thank her and head back to Anna.

"That was really brave. Are you okay?" Anna asks.

"Yeah. How about we grab the chocolates now?" You ask.

"But you're all wet!" Anna complained.

"I can fix that." You say.

You quickly make a rebound for Tris and Tobias.

"Hey, um, Tris! I actually could use something right now!" You say.

She smiles and asks you what you need.

"A towel would be great, I need to dry myself."

Her home was right there, so she gave a you towel. Once you were as dry as possible, you thanked her and went back to Anna.

You two bought as many chocolates as you could carry (which was a lot, thanks to you) and made your way back.

"Hey (Y/n), can I ask you something?" Anna asked.


"Well, I've seen the way you look at my sister, so I was wondering if you loved her?" Anna asked.

You stopped in your tracks. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Anna smiled. "You so like her, don't you. You must've have fallen hard for her."

You snorted. "Come on Anna, we have to get back to the castle."

"I won't tell her! Besides, I think its cute. I am totally for LGBTQ rights now. You two could be a really cute couple." Anna continued rambling as you walked back to the castle.

As soon as you dropped off the chocolates in the kitchen, you ran for your bedroom.

This was going to be even more tedious than you thought.

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